6. Everyone has their own secret agenda.

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{6. Everyone has their own secret agenda.}

Charles' POV

It was difficult to watch Erik's struggle to compose words, and ignore the sweat that beaded his forehead. I tried to maintain eye contact, but he kept avoiding me, feeling sick in the stomach.

"Come on, Erik. Who is he?" I didn't mean to be persistent, seeing his agitated face and a dozen flashbacks washing over it, made me feel sorry for him. But this is important for the both of us. I braced him, as he continued re-living those dark memories in his eyes. "Erik..." I was losing him and it worried me. "Come on, Erik. Be strong."

Then the strangest thing happened. It first started out as a low chuckle that vibrated through his chest and then it sounded like a snicker. I creased my forehead in perplexity. It wasn't a rueful laugh either.

"Oh, you are gullable." He said as he straightened his posture and transformed into a blue figured girl. Mystique. Out of clear frustration and surprise, I used my mind control to pin her to the wall, with an angry glare.

"I thought you knew better." I almost yelled. She was resisting against my control, trying to leap off the wall, but I set her in place. I've never been violent with Raven, no, I trusted her too much to ever do such a thing. But she's pushing my buttons. She's testing me. Little does she know, or care to remember that, I'm the one with the physic powers here.

"Oh, come on. Erik probably agrees with me. I mean it's a possibility isn't it? That Dreamer could be some sort of spy, used to infiltrate our facilities, because if she is, she succeeded." Raven said, still struggling. I sighed deeply and flung her on the ground, but she landed with grace, being agile and all.

"I can feel you defying me, Raven." I hate to admit it but its true. Something has changed within her...or is starting to change and I can feel it burning inside her. I shook my head. Why would she? How could she?

"We don't even know what she's capable of-"

"So we should just abandon her like a bomb?" I said, incredulously.

"Let the Government have her for all I care!"

"What happens to Dreamer affects us!"

"You should of thought of that before you signed the goddamn papers!"

And then the door creaked open and Erik stood there with a cup of coffee, which provided an inviting aroma into the office. I exhaled. I don't know about Raven, but yelling is as exerting as accomplishing a marathon. Erik looked at Raven and then back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"And here I thought I'd never see the two of you quarrel. It's just so beneath you two."


Dreamer's POV

It's eleven-thirty. An hour past my curfew and I'm still not caught. I guess I could get away with this before Raven devours me. I think Alex sensed my fleeting glances and offered me a kind smile for reassurance.

"You find it hard to feel safe, aye?" He asked. It sounded like he spoke from his own personal experience. I suppose he's right though. It's difficult for me to believe I'm 'safe'. It's not like I have felt threatened, it's just that the past few months were really scary. I was on my own for the first time. I had to learn to adapt to my surroundings fast. Now here I am, at a facility I've only known about through other people. Safe is really a hard word to define and accept. "And I take it that you like to daydream a lot." I looked up at him, briefly. Did I space out again? Damn it.


"No, it's fine." He chuckled lightly. "But feel free to share whatever is on your mind. I can keep secrets." I don't know if I could trust Alex after a few hours of being with him. But every time I looked into those blue eyes I couldn't resist them. They were captivating in a way I don't even understand. I felt drawn to him. It was a gravitational force. "Dreamer, you're starring." I blinked and laughed it off. I felt my cheeks redden.

"You have nice eyes." I decided to say. My response seem to take him by surprise. But he grinned wildly.

"They are not as beautiful as yours." And that's when it hit me. I've always been self-conscious about my eyes and I've only realised that he's noticed them. I shied away. Did he just say they're beautiful? That's definitely a term I am not accustomed to.But is he just saying that or did he mean it? Nevertheless, all I could do was blush and keep silent.

The cold night nibbled at my skin and I just hugged myself as we kept walking through the playground, following the towering lamp posts. It was eerie, seeing what the school looked like at night, mainly because it was so abandoned.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"It's been a few years. It was Charles and Erik who found me. I didn't know what to believe at first. I had always secluded myself from people because of what I am. I destroy everything in my wake and I didn't think anyone wanted me until they showed up. They promised to help me control my powers and-" he stopped abruptly as if unsure as to why he had revealed so much in such little time. I don't blame him. I mean he did say to tour me around the school not have a deep and meaningful conversation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No,no, it's just...I'm not always that easy to crack open." He said with a thoughtful look on his face. Does he trust me? I honestly don't know how to feel if he did. All I ever wanted was to make friends and finally understand who I am a person and not a mutant.

But the main difference between Alex and I is that, he's had a human experience, he's lived among them and I'll always be a science experiment.


Mystique's POV

After that heated argument with Charles, I stormed out and transformed into my human self. I felt Erik's gaze follow me as I disappear into the maze of the corridors. But it was only the next day that he showed up at my bedroom door. I adjusted my robe and looked at him with a 'what-do-you-want' face. He rolled his eyes.

"What's gotten into you?" He questioned. Pfft, really? Isn't it obvious? "Ever since Dreamer-"

"That's the problem." I pointed out. Hearing her name just made my teeth grind. God the attention that girl gets, it's unbelievable.

"You're not fond of her." Erik's observed as he leant against the door frame. I scoffed.

"No I'm not," I put bluntly. "It's just not going to work. Xavier has this fantasyical vision of us being her guardian angels where in reality, we're all on diverging paths."

"Elaborate," Erik said, intrigued. I knew he could keep a secret so I told him.

"Think about it, Erik. Xavier wants to school mutants. Hanks wants to be look human. You want your revenge on Professor Shaw. And I want out of here."

Silence lingered between us for a few seconds.

"How are going to look after this potential threat when we all have our own secret agendas?"



It's a short chapter, I know and I've been writing at an exceptionally slow pace, will pick it up in the next chapter, it's about time we see some action!

In the meantime please vote, it means a lot xx

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