11. The true meaning of Dreamcatcher

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{11. The true meaning of Dreamcatcher}


Dreamer's POV

I hate this feeling, mainly because it was somewhat familiar. Hazy eyes, tired limbs, soft slow breathing, cold air, antiseptic smell. What happened this time? Why am I on a hospital bed, attached to all these nodes? My head throbbed. Was I in an accident? If I was I can't remember....hmmm I think that's the point of amnesia. But I don't have amnesia. I have memory fragmentation. Yes, that's it. Selected memories were erased for reasons unknown. I'm here to see Professor X to retrieve my memories.

I breathed in.

Not sure if I'm relieved to have remembered my backstory, it's the only thing making me valuable. If I weren't a by product from Project GEM then who would care about me? Even the mutants here hate me. First my idol, then my classmate. The feeling of utter humiliation and alienation never felt so real and most importantly, it never occurred me that they will eventually become familiar to me.

I sighed and tried to get up.


I heard that. But there's no-one here. I scanned the cold room, it's empty.


I can hear it again. This time I figured it's coming from within. Someone's trying to contact me psychologically. This one sounded familiar. Male. Gentle. Hopeful.

"Professor?" I said aloud. "Where are you?"

It was odd to wake up to no-one but hey, it beats waking up on a train in the middle of nowhere. Someone obviously planted me there, far from Professor X's reach. He's lives in America. And I was left in the Netherlands. I don't know why I am suddenly thinking about this.

I am inside your mind, Dreamer. I am searching...searching for answers.

"I can feel you in my head." I rubbed my temples. It's feeling like fingers prodding your brain, not exactly a great feeling. "What are you looking for?"

Then it hit me. My memories. He's helping me obtain my lost memories. They have to be there somewhere, tucked in a dark place secured with a lock. Hopefully the Professor can gain assess to them. I need him to in order to find the truth.

You are unconsciously forming a barrier against me, Dreamer. Your mind is more powerful than you think. Its developing quite rapidly and in order to control it, Dreamer, you must be conscious of what is happening to you.

I let his words sink in before I remembered what happened with Hank. The nodes had exploded. My brain signals shut down his computer systems. Then I made contact with his skin, a finger stroke, and it was enough to acess one of his vulnerable memories.

I began to hyperventilate.

After that I saw the Diamond Lady at the museum and then there was a lockdown and this giant force field and I-

"Is everyone alright? Did I hurt anyone?"

I suddenly remembered what happened and felt a guilty pang in my chest.

Everyone is safe, Dreamer. You are the one that's in danger. There are people after you. Do you know anyone by the name of Emma Frost or Azazel?

"No, I've never heard of them before."

What about Professor Shaw?

I think about this one. The name sounded familiar. But where did I hear it? Can I even construct his identity? I forced myself to form a connection with the name, it was awfully familiar and I didn't want to disappoint Professor X.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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