Day 13: Kidnap

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***** PREVIOUSLY *****

The Man: "Those... Jerks... I'll make a person pay, specifically SAN..."

***** PRESENT TIME *****

Everyone was in their own houses. With the government having control on the new issue of the creatures, everything is fine in the Philippines. Everyone was okay. Everyone was in their houses.

It was 1:03 PM, as Day and SAN were normally, just... Chatting each other on their phones.

SAN: "Did you already eat yet baby?"

Day: "SAN..."

SAN: "Hmm? What is it?"

Day: "I... ate chicken..."

SAN: *sigh* "Why did you eat chicken? You know that you're allergic to chicken."

Day: "But... It's so delicious"

SAN: "Not everything delicious is good for your health."

That was the last message of the conversation. SAN waited for a reply, but weirdly, he didn't get any. SAN started to feel a bad vibe from it. SAN waited a bit longer, but he wanted to call her, but he waited instead.

While he was eating, his phone rang. When he looked at his phone, it said, "Babygirl <3". SAN was relieved, and he answered the phone. Upon picking up, he quickly rambled, "Where have you been?", but it was silent.

Then, a voice spoke, "Day's here... She's asleep.", in a weird voice. It was a man's voice, a bit grainy, but a manly voice. SAN was suspicious so he asked, "Who... Is this?", then the voice spoke once again, "Just... An old friend... Of yours, and everyone's. I think, Day here... I'll put her to sleep", then SAN quickly got mad, "BTCH! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER, NOT EVEN A SINGLE FINGER ON HER!", then the voice calmly said, "Calm down... SAN... It's gonna be okay."

SAN was shocked and said, "How do you know my name?", then the voice said, "That doesn't matter anymore. Anyways, if you want to still see your girl, then meet us, I'll text you the address, go there, later at 10 PM. If you don't go, then say goodbye to her.", then the mysterious voice hung up the phone.

Out of frustration, SAN just shouted, "FCKKKKKKK!".

***** OVER AT TEP'S HOUSE *****

"He... really did love me...", Tep said while she teared up, while she was staring at a picture of Jhonross.

Tep started to get a flashback:

***** FLASHBACK *****

"I'd really die for you", Jhonross said.

"HAHAHAH Don't joke around HAHAHAH", Tep said laughingly.

***** PRESENT TIME *****

"That idiot... He really did mean it...", as Tep's tears started to fall.

***** OVER AT GAB'S HOUSE *****

"Man, it's boring here."

***** OVER AT JC'S HOUSE *****

"Nigga, I'm hungry."

***** IN THE GROUP CHAT *****

Gab: "JC! Can I go there, let's play ball and maybe eat."

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