Confession 31

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I personally like 80s movies way better bc of the messages in them and the positive relationships that the characters have bUT ANYWAYSSJS does anyone else ever go through an "after movie depression session" (as I like to call them) or is that just me...? like I'll be watching sbm or running on empty and after finishing the movie I'd just sit in bed for a while and think "wtf I'm so lonely how do people create such good friendships and the love between Danny and Lorna is just wOWOWO someone pls get me a Danny". like I get so jealous and yeah ok that's it.


I get so depressed after watching movies with any romance or if it has a great plot. Bc I literally feel so lonely and like I want to be the girl who gets that guy yanoee. Also the ending of sbm gets me so emo and depressed bc yanoe when Gordie tells us how Chris died and then he goes to play with his kid. It makes me literally reevaluate my life and I want to cry bc its so sad and the sbm song starts playing and I get emotional asF!!!
But Running On Empty is also such an amazing film bc he got to stay and awee him a Lorna get to be together.

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