Chapter 1: The Truth

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Chapter 1: The Truth

"Skylar!" My mom shouted from the foyer.

"Mom, wait, I'm still fixing my necktie!" I shout, fixing my necktie and wearing the navy blue school jacket, with the school logo. Hille School of the Arts. The school my parents own. The school I will soon own.

"Hurry up, the car is waiting outside," She shouts back, earning echos.

"Done!" I reply once, I was by the door. I gave my mom a little peck on the cheek and headed outside.

"Bye, mom!" I wave, before entering the car.

As I reach the school, I notice my best friend, Lorraine.

"Lorraine!" I call her. She saw me and waved back.

"Skylar!" She shouts back, as she runs to my direction.

We hugged each other really tight because of a long break.

"So how was your Winter break?" I ask her, once we were done hugging.

"Nothing special. Just went to Europe to visit some relatives," she says.

"You?" She asks me.

"We had an outing with my cousins at Australia," I reply.

"Oh my Geezies! I missed you soooo much!" She says shouting.

"Me, too!" I reply, jumping up and down.

"Come on, wouldnt' want to be late." She says, looping her arms. I gladly looped mine around hers.

"Oh my gosh, did you hear, Katreena and Isabella were caught snogging inside a bathroom stall by the vice principal?" Calie, another one of our best friend, asked once she saw us.

"No, Calie, we were in Winter break." I say nonchalantly.

"Really?" Lorraine shouts slash asked Calie. Calie nodded in response.

"When?" Lorraine asked again.

"Just this morning." She says. Wow. These things travel so fast.

"Oh my Geezies!" Lorraine exclaims, while we were walking.

"Guys, can we not talk about this, please? I really hate all these issues." I complain. It's always like this in our school.

Well, it's always like this in all-girls schools. There were so many lesbian love. It's not that I'm against lesbians. It's just, I don't liek the idea of the same gender making out or whatever. I'm okay with lesbians, just not lesbian relationships. I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just kind of concerned.

"Hey, it's not our fault your parents made an all-girls school," Calie said, shrugging. I rolled my eyes in response.

"It's not mine, either," I retort as I walk to our class.

As I enter, I walk to my usual seat, together with my best friends.

After a few minutes, our Homeroom arrived.

"Good Morning, girls," she said. We all stood up and greeted her back.

"Good morning, Mrs. Falcomn"

"You may be seated," she said, grabbing her books from her back. We all sat down and started taking notes once she starts discussing.

Once school was done, Calie, Lorraine and I decided to walk to the departing area together.

I saw my black car coming. I bid my goodbyes to them and entered my car.

"Miss Rossi, your mother wanted you to have lunch at your restaurant," my driver said.

"Why, if I may ask," I politely asked, looking up to him.

"No specific reason was told, Miss." The driver said.

"Oh, thank you." I say.

Once we reached the restaurant they still own, I exited the car and walked my way to the personnel room.

"Good evening, Miss," the staff greeted.

"Good evening," I reply, looking for my parents. "Have you seen my parents?" I asked them politely.

'Ah, yes. They're in the VIP room," one of them said.

I nod and replied, "Thank you." The all nodded and went on with their jobs.

I entered the VIP room and saw my mom writing talking to dad.

"Oh, Skylar, you're here!" She exclaims.

"Yes I am," I sarcastically say. My mom rolled her eyes and gestured my to sit down.

"So, what's the thing you want to tackle about?" I ask her.

She sighed deeply and started talking. "Remember your cousins? The one we had an outing with?" She asked me.

"Duh. We're cousins, not acquaintances. And we are the closest," I stated the obvious.

"Right, anyway, we aren't your parents." Mom said clearly. My eyes widened.

"What? Hahaha, please tell me this is a joke!" I shout at them.

Mom looked down and replied, "Sorry, Skylar, we aren't." She said quietly.

Tears started erupting in my eyes. I sighed deeply, suddenly a tear made it's way out.


"Your cousins? They're your siblings." Dad said, sadly.

Mom looked up and her eyes were also full of tears.

"S-so, you guys are my aunt and uncle?" I asked them.

"Y-yes," mom, or aunt said.

"What's the story?" I manage to ask.

It turns out my real mom was pregnant with me without them knowing my gender. My real dad was excited and decided to make a school for me. An all-boys school. My father wanted me to be a boy. But when my mom gave birth to me, my dad was disappointed to know I was a girl. He didn't' want me and instead, he gave me to my aunt and uncle. Two years later, my mom finally gave birth to a boy, Timothy.

That's official, I hate my real dad. Hes' a dick. I can't believe he would do that.

"I can't believe.." I mumbled to myself.

"Skylar, you'll be moving in with them by tomorrow."

With that, I burst into tears.

"But..Okay fine." I say.

"Your things are already packed. Don't worry about it."

I nod.

"Am I still going to the same school?" I ask them. I was somehow worried.

"No," Mom said.

"What?! What about my friends? Where will I be going to school, then?" I ask them.

"I will personally tell them tomorrow, and it's up to you to find that out." Mom said.

I was taken aback. Taken aback by everything that happened today.

I don't know if I should be angry, sad, depressed, or anxious. Maybe everything?

Well, tomorrow will be a great day. Hint the sarcasm.


A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to make a series for all of the boys from 5SOS.

And this is the first book of the series.

This is also first 5SOS fanfic I ever made.

Please do check out my other books, and don't forget to Votent.

SOo, um, yeah!

Bye, guys!

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