Chapter 10: The Ash-ology

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I sit in the empty classroom, two seats away from Harry and Ashton. I decided that I should listen to Mrs. Cole's discussion; Mrs. Cole was our guidance councilor.

I looked at the frantic movements of her arms; how she moves them from the right, then to the left, and eventually everywhere. It was clear that she was trying to put emphasis on what she was saying. I sigh silently, very bored.

You see, Mrs. Hooke still couldn't accept the fact that we misbehaved, so she called on Mrs. Cole to give us an one-hour lecture. Well, it sure seems like she's been yapping for centuries.

I agree to my conscience. I look at the watch every now and then, checking if it was already time. Although this was a boring lecture, I'm glad to have skipped History for this. History can be a bore sometimes.

She was in the middle of stating her sentence, when the bell for next period rung. I grabbed my bag, instantly standing up. I walk to the door, and opened it, missing the last sentence that Mrs. Cole answered.

"That was hell." I couldn't agree more. I look at Ashton to give him a look of agreeing. I lazily walk to my locker to get my things. While I was walking, I felt like someone was following me, but I shrugged it off.

I shoved my chemistry book in the locker, and grabbed my Math book. I shut my locker door, which revealed Ashton. He was leaning at the locker.

His sudden presence made me flinch a little.

"Hey," I say timidly, after I've recovered from my shock. He mimicked my words and pauses for a moment. We were silent; I was not enjoying it.

I feel quite awkward, looking anywhere but him. "So. . ." It was then I looked at him, shocked that he uttered a word. It wasn't predictable, really.

"I just wanted to apologize." I look at him with eyes that had many emotions. I was confused, bewildered. shocked and of course confused. I look at his eyes, checking if he was telling the truth; he was sincere.

He looked down timidly, feeling slightly uncomfortable of the silence between us. Well, I did have to be sure of what he said. I had to process everything he said. It was like those words slapped me—not in a painful way but like a wake up call. Five simple words brought a huge impact to the slap. Just the mere sound of the 'A' word from him was shocking, honestly.

After seconds of pure silence, I spoke. "W-what." It came out as a statement.

He looks up to me. I noticed that his eyes were sincere and hopeful.

He shrugged, saying a statement to further explain his shrug. "I don't know. I just realized that I have been quite a douche to you; just realized that yesterday. I failed to see the good of you, and actually found you quite fun." He smiled sincerely, and for the first time, I actually he looked attracted.

It was the first time I saw him smile. And as much as I didn't want to admit it, he looked gorgeous. The way his dimples would show up was just adorable. I didn't know I was smiling until I looked at him with acceptance.

"Well, as long as you won't be mean and cranky, you're my friend." His smile brightens, and for the first time in forever, I wish we would be best friends.

"Well then, let's get to class, wouldn't want another teacher screaming in our face." I laugh at his statement, which also made him laugh.

We walked side-by-side going to Maths, and the whole time, we wouldn't stop talking about anything. I realized that we had a lot in common. 

"Yeah, oh my gosh, that was hilarious," I laugh, referring to Michael when he dropped a bucket of green goo on Calum's head. It was safe to say that they got a week worth of detention. Michael wanted to prank Luke; Calum was in it, too. But Luke already found out about their plan—thanks to Ashton—and ended up spilling the green goo on Calum.  And unfortunately for them, our chem teacher was there to witness it. 

"Yeah, and after that—" he was cut off when Luke ran to the hallway to go behind Ashton and I. He looked in front of us. We followed his gaze and found Calum looking everywhere.

Calum had a lot of mud smeared into his uniform. I tried to analyze what was wrong and had two suspicions. One: Luke might have done something stupid to Calum and Calum wanted to get back. And two: They were having this friendly war. 

Calum's eyes lands on the three of us, and his scowl was replaced with a smirk. And then I realized that Luke has done something idiotic. Calum ran from hallway, which causes a few students to look at him, annoyed. Luke quickly went away from us and took a turn in the right.

"Get back here, Lukey Pukey!" Our eyes followed Calum's movement, confused, to say the least.

Just on timing, after Calum just took a turn to where Luke did, we heard Michael screaming. "Oh my gawd, I want to capture this!" He runs in the hallway, just like the other boys, except, he was bringing his camera in his hand; The students were getting really annoyed.

He went and passed us, but before he could get any further, Ashton grabbed his shoulders to stop him. "What happened?" Michael was panting and raised his index finger to gesture that we had to wait. After taking deep breathes, Michale stands up straight and starts to explain.

"So, we were playing soccer awhile ago. Calum kicks the ball just a few feet away from the goal. Luke decided to get that ball and he found out that there was wet dog shit—if that even exists. So, being the nimrod that he is, he kicked the ball, which was aiming at me, but I managed to dodge it—thankfully. When I dodged, I didn't' realize that Calum was behind me, and the ball hit him right in the face, which also landed to his uniform." By then, I couldn't help but burst into hysterics. Ashton was holding his stomach from the pain caused by laughter. Michael, too, joined use in our fits.

"Any-who, Calum used his neck tie to get the poop off." I ignored it, finding it unnecessary.

"I need to get going. Who knows what Calum has done to poor Luke." We let him go, and watch him turn to the corner where Calum and Luke turned. 

"My God, your friends are hilarious." I look at him. "Why aren't you as wild as them," I ask, choosing my words carefully.

"Oh, I am like them, just not in school. I mean, look at them, where do you think they got it from?" It took me a few seconds to understand what he said. "What? They got that from you?! No way!"

He has this smug look on his face. "Yes way. I may be even crazier." 

"Liar," I joke, shoving him playfully. He rolls his eyes playfully and shoves me back. "You're just jealous 'cause you can't be as awesome as me." I roll my eyes at him.

"Well, now that we are friends, I thought you would be kind. Turns out you're cocky," I joked, which made him chuckle slightly. "Lame," he states. He glances at his watch to check the time. "Looks like we have to go in now." I nodded and walked into the classroom and separated ways.

Woah. That was weird. I just got an apology from Ashton. An Ash-ology! I'm so cheesy. And here I thought we would forever be foes.

Hey, People!

So, I havn't really posted any author's note that much, but eh, I wanted to. So, let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to click that button with a star on it.

Thanks, love you, guyth.

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