Chapter 5: The Surprise

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To say I was beyond shocked would be the understatement in history. I looked at his band and the other, my eyes wide opened, shock shamelessly showing itself.

Well, it started just this afternoon, when I was sauntering in the hallways of Travis University. I was simply minding my own business when I heard faint sound of rock music when I passed the music room.

Guitars were being played, and a drum kit was being hit. Soon, a melody was created.

I stopped in my tracks and walk backwards to the music room. I listen carefully to the rock music being played. Shortly after what I assumed was the intro, an unfamiliar voice started to sing.

After hearing the voice sing, a much more familiar voice started to sing as well. After trying to figure out who owns this voice, realization hit me. "Harry," I whisper to myself, shocked and at the same time perplexed.

I decide to ignore the bombshell, and admire Harry's voice. After that, I start to sing along, not so sure of the lyrics. I forgot about my current state, and sing louder, resulting to them stop playing.

I immediately start panicking when I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. I heard the jiggle of the doorknob, and shortly, the door opened, revealing an annoyed Ashton. As soon as he saw me, his eyes instantly flickered in distaste. 

"What are you doing here?" His thick, Australian accent spat at me. I looked at him with hatred, while I stated, "Nothing that concerns you." He just looks at me with more hate, if that's even possible. "Listen, you better leave because we are practicing." The nerve of this guy!

Now, I don't really want to scare students about me being the owner of this school, and make them pamper me, but right now, I do. I want to rub it in his fucking face that he needs to show me respect and should be ashamed of what he did. I want to rub it in his face that he has no right to speak to me like that. But I can't, because if you think about it, I'm still a student at this school. I'm just like them.

That's why I always hate my kindness, I try to avoid being too nice, but I can't help it, it's just my personality.

"Woah, what's up?" I instantly recognize Harry's voice, relieved that he was here. As his eyes met mine, his face lit up, greeting me. "Hey, Skylar?"

"Wait, you know her?" Ashton's voice lace with bemusement. And then I start to realize that they, too, know each other. "Actually, I should be asking that question." I turn to Harry, sparing him an expecting look.

"No, I should be asking you that question." Me and Ashton look at each other, hate and distaste evident. "Spilled coffee on me," he states, glaring my way. I roll my eyes, and lift both my hands up in the air. "Oh my God, you drama queen!"

"Okay," Harry extends the word, uncomfortable with us glaring at each other. "So, wer'e seatmates. Remember? And Skylar, he's from a band called Five Seconds of Summer, also known as Five Sos."

I nod, still glaring at Ashton. Harry gets really uncomfortable, and decides to bring us inside. After we were inside, I was introduced to Ashton's band and Harry's band. I noticed that Luke was in my Geometry class from the Monday schedule, while Calum and Michael were from my Biology class from the Tuesday schedule.

"Hey, Skylar, why don't you listen to our practice," Calum was kind enough to offer. I considered it and decided to stay. "Does she have to," Ashton whined, looking at Calum. Calum flashed him a look. 

That's where I realized they were only nice because I was the daughter of the owner of this school. I frown at realization, and decided to leave. 

As much as I hated to admit this, Ashton is nicer. Because he doesn't have to fake being nice to me. Instead he shows his true emotions to me. He's honest. That's why I'de prefer to have Ashton as a friend, but I wouldn't actually admit that to his face.    

"You know what, guys, I actually can't because I have to do some homework early," I lied smothly. Harry's smiled goes away and looks at me with sadness. "Okay then." I slightly smile at him, thankful that his kindness towards me is true. 

"But wait! I gotta tell you something," Harry says, catching my attention. I look at him, expecting it ot come.

"So, um, One Direction is gonna have a concert right, and well Five Sos is the opening act."

And that's how I ended up in this situation.

"Wow, well, t-that's great," I say, after getting over my shock. I nod awkwardly and excuse myself and continue to leave.

What the hell? Is all I can say.

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