Chapter 7: The Deja Vu Experience

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"Okay, class, you are dismissed," Mrs. Callwel's voiced boomed in the classroom. Everyone sighed in relief, glad that Mrs. Callwel's boring lecture was over. What made the lecture more boring than it already is, was her monotone voice. I swear, nearly half of the class was asleep. 

I trudge outside the classroom, not really in the energy, since Mrs. Callwel took all my energy away. I was going through my schedule, only to find out that I had Chemistry next. Great, I was gonna suffer the embarrassment again. Remember that experiment I had? Yeah, it didn't leave a good impression on the teacher.

I stopped by my locker, to get my Chemistry book. I look at my schedule again so I can get my other books for the following classes. I disliked walking, as you can see. After grabbing my books, I walk to the Chemistry lab. I got slightly lost, as I wandered around the hallways for about two minutes. Hey, this is pretty huge school.

As I enter, I am relieved when I see that Codie, my lab partner for Chemistry, was not yet here. I swear, he was mad when I was close to detonating our experiment. I lazily trooped to my seat and placed my books on the table.  

After about a few seconds of waiting, I finally see Codie entering. He sends a smile at my way. Although, I could tell it was a feigned smile because his eyes held out an expressions of slight abhor. I could tell he didn't like me that much. Ouch.

The morning went by quickly, and next thing I know, it was already lunch time. I meet Harry and his friends at our usual table. I smile, seeing Marcel at the table as well. He sends me a smile, and I nod at him.

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna go get some Starbucks. I don't feel like eating solid today." I decide that coffee would be good. They all nod and continued guzzling and consuming their lunch. I roll my eyes at them playfully. Boys.

I take my order and wait for the lady to finish making my drink. After waiting, I turn around abruptly, causing me to spill my broiling coffee. A loud shout was heard the person I heard it from, most likely because of the unforeseen event. By now, the whole cafeteria was intently watching us. They were waiting for what was coming, I could smell their anxiety, agitation and excitement.

I look up to see Ashton. He was glaring daggers at me, his eyes were full of anger and distaste. I had to look up to him in able to see his face, because he seems to tower over me. Damn tall people.

"Goddammit, Skylar!" My name sounds foreign when he says it. I don't know if it's because of his Australian accent or if it's because he has never said it before. Usually, I'd give him the same glare, but right now, I was scared. I gave him an apologetic look.

His glare darkens. "Dammit, again," he asks, wiping the stain that I manage to put on his uniform. And to think, I haven't even gotten a sip from that drink. 

I could see his friends snickering behind him, trying to hide it in, probably know that Ashton was going to rage. I look into Ashton's eyes. "Listen, I-I'm sorry." He looks at me with so much hate. He closed his eyes for a few seconds before he opens it to reveal that it wasn't so scary anymore. "Move." I did as he said, and step aside, but not before giving him one last apologetic look.

I can't help but have that weir feeling of  Deja Vu fill me in. I remember the first time I spilled coffee on him. He was scary. 

I walked away, slightly crestfallen that I didn't get to drink the coffee. I look down, ashamed at myself for spilling coffee on him again. It's embarrassing when you think about it. 

As I was walking to our table, all eyes were one me, following my every move. It gets uncomfortable. When I reach our table, everyone asked me several questions. Questions that I couldn't answer because I was still bewildered. I only shrug at their nosy questions and focus on the events that have happened today. 

It wasn't entirely my fault, I mean, he had that coming. He definitely had that coming. "Hey, you okay?" Harry's voice snapped be back to reality. I just simply nod.

After asking me the question, the concern on his face seemed to drain, being replaced by a smirk. "So, it happened again, huh?" I roll my eyes and hit him playfully. I guess I hit him too hard because my palm slightly had a sting and was red. And because he flinched a little at the impact. "Oops, sorry," I apologized.

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Stop raging, woman," he states as a jest. I roll my eyes, "Stop being a drama queen," I quip back. He mocked hurt and joked, "You hurt my feelings." I rolled my eyes, not really in the mood for joking. I mean, come on, I just came from an incident that involved Sir-I'm-On-Crack. I swear, sometimes, Ashton can be like a girl on her period.

All of them ate lunch, so I decided to get some. After getting my food, I ate with them. They had small conversations from time to time, while I ate my lunch silently, savoring the taste of the Italian Pasta—which I did not know the name of.

After one hour and thirty minutes of lunch, the bell rang, much to my dismay. I grabbed my belongings and followed Harry to our next class, Math. 

I couldn't focus on class because I was oversuspicious, thinking that maybe Ashton would do something bad. Paranoia washed over me. To say I was anticipated would be a lie. Because it feels much worse.  

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