My Crush Broke My Heart

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Hearing those words fly out of your mouth...

The truth hit me like a bullet,
Straight to my heart.

"I don't like them like that."
You told another server.
In front of me.

I knew you were talking about me.
She had asked you if we were dating.
When you and I both said "no"
She asked why.

And you said those five, painful words.
I swear my heart shattered and fell to the ground.
Those were the last ones I expected to hear from you about me.

But I guess it is to be expected.
No one likes me like that,
I know that and I don't know why I hoped it would change.

You were the shining star that I gazed upon each night
And only had eyes for you.

Yes, Sirius and Adhara are pretty nice,
However, you're the one I picked out.

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