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She wakes up like she always does. It takes effort to pull herself to her feet. But she moves with purpose through her home. She takes what she needs and leaves. She makes a new route as always as she rushes through Gotham's hellish morning rush hour. That's how I imagine her waking up everyday.

Today she might ache more, or less. Today she might make more money for deliveries, or not. There are so few constants in her life because she chooses it to be so. Maybe it's her training. Maybe it's because of what happened to her. Or maybe it's just her and how she is. I don't know if it's fair that I know so much about her, and that she knows nothing about me. But she knows me better then I think she does. She knows people. Who to trust and who not to trust.It was her super power in my opinion.

After the night she went to fight she sent me some pictures. She was beat to hell yeah, but the amount of cash she had in hand? Let's just say it was a sizable chunk. She seemed more at ease after that, worked like she always did. Didn't ever tell me much in specifics about her general day since I already knew how her days usually went. When she wondered about me I did give up some information. About my family, my biological family that is. Then some vague statements about the one that had taken me in.

But it was only a matter of time before something happened to one of us. To my surprise, and dismay, it happened to her first.

-Luke and I are being called back to the task force.-

I was in shock. What the hell was happening here? Why would they call her and her partner back.

-I can't tell you much except that it's bad. And the Bat is too busy to deal with this. Take my advice and stay out of Gotham.-

-Milou what's happening-

-J you know I can't say anything about it.-

-Milou you need to tell me what's happening. What can you tell me?-

-why do you think they might want me back on J? What makes me different?-


-You can't tell me he's back-

-he's not.-

-but the gas is.-

-Luke and I were approached. They said they need our experience. I'm in the field. Luke isn't.-

-You agreed to go back??-

-why wouldn't I?-

This girl. I swear I wanted to scream. I went to see what was happening in Gotham. Three gas attacks, all the same type that Crane use to use. He was all locked up, but it seemed to me that was about to change. I acted on impulse, I packed up. I got my ass back to Gotham. I kept my head down. No one needed to know I was back. Especially not my family. Things were getting better, but this was still the bat's turf, and if him or his new robin got wind of me before things went down then I was fucked. Milou said he was busy, but Bruce caught on fast. But then again he'd let a lot of freaks escape prison.

But Damian was something I needed to worry about. That demon of a kid would still be doing his patrols even if his dad was busy. If I was lucky he might be with the titans but then again when was I ever lucky? Hell knowing me the entire family might be in town. The first day or two no one got wind of me. I was just sulking around where I knew I might be able to find some good information. But news of a guy in a bright red helmet got around fast.

Without fault I was found out.

"You could at least call when you're in town," came that snobby boyish voice from behind me. It didn't surprise me, besides, I could smell him from where I stood. His childish B.O. carried on the wind.

"Dude you seriously need to wash that suit." I gruffed as I kept my eyes trained on one of the task force stations.

"You seriously need to stop leaving bodies around." he quipped back as he came to see what I was looking at.

"Get out of here Robin, I've got something I'm working on." I said and he hummed.

"You mean the gas attacks? Crane?" he came back at me.

"Does the B know?" I asked.

"He's busy with the league- justice league that is..." he specified and I nodded.

"So you're trying it on your own? At least someone else is trying to stop Crane from escaping," I hummed.

"How'd you find out?" Damian asked.

"Does it matter? I'm here to help." I replied.

"I guess not. But why are you watching a task force station?" he asked.

"They brought in some guys who know about the gas... I'm worried though. This all could be just to get them to come out of hiding." I breathed.


"A duo, both medics I think. One is immune to the toxin. The other one- well he's a good tactician from what I've been told. They were the dream team before they were discharged. Crane really took a toll on them... But I guess the city is desperate enough to bring them back. Or scared." I replied and Damian furrowed his brows.

"So, You think they want to break Crane out and take the duo? Or at least the one who's immune to the toxin." Damian hummed.

"Something like that. Right now I'm not looking into who's trying to get him out. I'm just trying to stop it. I doubt we have time to figure out who's behind this." I breathed.

"Well have we looked at Crane's associates?"

"I was going to but an attack happened yesterday. You heard about it." I breathed.

"Small yes, it was just a gas station. No fatalities."

"But that gas was stronger than before right? Just from the look of it?" I asked.

"It always looks worse than before." he replied and I shifted low when I saw some task force agents step out of the station in gear.

"They have a call?" he asked.

"No, no I don't think so... They might be going to the prison."

"Then we really don't have time."

"Come on. We need to figure this out before it gets any worse."

(Dc Jason Todd) Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now