Lucky Luke

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"I'm a bit busy Lucky!" She calls back blocking a man's punch. 

Leaning back, taking hold of the wrist closest to her, taking an open palm and slamming it hard against the man's elbow making it pop out of place. She ducks as a man is coming behind her and swinging a pipe that would've connected with her head if she hadn't moved.
She comes back up to take the pipe from the man with one hand and punch him in the face with the other. He's not out yet but he is after she whips the pipe across his face. She turns quick to beam the pipe at a man running at her. It hits him hard enough to knock him off balance. She runs at him and bounces off a wall before kicking him into unconsciousness.

"We've got more company!" I call running to her and kicking up the pipe she'd dropped to crack it against a man's skull.

"You said this was just a short deal!" 

She's pissed at me.

"I said I might need backup!" I snap back at her as she turns to stop another man coming at us.

"I never signed up for this-"

"Then why come along?!" I'm jumping ahead of her and sliding under a man, taking his feet out from under him so she can kick him into submission.

"To save your dumbass." she says jumping over me and running ahead. 

I follow her through the halls. Watching her bounce off the walls to take down people in her way. I throw the pipe to her and take down anyone she misses.

"Which way is out of here?!"

"Window and into the river!" I tell her.


Oh yeah, she's definitely pissed. But I run ahead and shoot out a window at the end of the hall. Neither of us hesitate to jump. Pushing off the windowsill and into the night. We're diving into the river and floating away. Swimming down stream and crawling out onto a dock. Catching our breaths, shivering from the cold water and cool night air.

"I hate you." She breaths.

"Then why did you come along?" I laugh as I stand and walk. She groans and follows me.

"Why are they trying to kill you again?" She asks.

"I'm not paying for protection on my bar and I'm not letting them cheat at fights." I reply.

She struts ahead of me rolling her eyes.

"Ruining my night out- you're lucky I wasn't wearing heels tonight." She says and I laugh.

"Who were you going out with?"

"Me and my friend Jen from the coffee shop were going to go and club with a few of her friends. But who needs hot sweaty dance floors when you have a warehouse full of goons?" she sighs and I smile taking her phone out of my pocket. It was in a plastic bag with mine, of course I'd planned ahead. It's what I did. I raised a brow at the screen.

"Whose J?" I ask and she stops and looks at me quickly. Oh I know that face. I smirk and quickly unlock her phone.


"Wow you two talk a bunch!" I smile and start back pedaling.

"Give it!" She's jumping at me.

" 'hey M just got back from a job what trouble are you causing tonight?' Oh this is too good. Are you sleeping with this guy?" I ask laughing as she tries to get her phone back like she's trying to disarm me. She's a better fighter than me but I've got a good defense.

(Dc Jason Todd) Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now