Chapter Eighteen: Promises

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Liza's P.O.V

I kinda promised Gabbie and myself that I was going to kiss Nathan tonight.

For most people this isn't a big thing, and they would probably think I am exaggerating it, but to me it is.

My first kiss.

With the boy that I love.

Everything has to be perfect.

Just like I always wanted it.

But, something wasn't right.

I wasn't feeling as excited as I should.

Is this a mistake?

I tidy my room and fix everything in its place.

Then I sit down.

I get a text form Gabbie.

"How is everything going?😏😉"

I sigh and decide not to reply cause she will probably say some more dumb things, if I keep talking to her.

It was one of those rare days where it was raining here in Cali.

I love the rain. It just makes me feel better.

I open my window to let the fresh breeze enter my room.

Someone knocks at my door and I tell them to enter.

It was Nathan, I texted him, to let him know I wanted to meet him this afternoon.

And he came.

"Hey baby."

"Hey" I replied.

He came and sat down on my bed with me.

To be honest, I felt a bit uncomfortable, considering the fact that there wasn't anybody else at my house, besides us.

He started coming closer to me and I tried to avoid him as much as I could.
You could see him getting pissed at my actions, and I don't blame him.

We than started hanging out, listening to music, while the rain outside got heavier and heavier, as the hours passed.

It was almost 8 o'clock and it was still raining.

Nathan was still there with me at my room, and we were still hanging out.

I started getting more and more uncomfortable around him, with every second that passed.

He then got up and started coming closer to me.
I don't want anything to happen, at this point.

But there are no excuses I can use right now.

I can feel his cold breath that is approaching my lips, when all the sudden...

the lights went off.

I have never felt this relieved in my entire life.

"What happened?"
"I don't know, probably the rain."

"Lets go downstairs check everything."

I nod and we go downstairs.


"Come on, lets go ouside."

"Nah, I'll just wait here for you."

"You sure?"


"I'll be back before you blink, to get back at what we left off.😉"

I feel weird. I don't like his wink.

I turn around facing my house wanting to be under my covers at my soft bed at that moment, but instead I am outside in the rain fixing the lights at my house.

I don't like the darkness at all. And it's almost 8:15 pm.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss.

It was a long, passionate one.

A sweet kiss outside in the rain.

He put one hand around my waist holding me tightly in his arms, while the other one was at my face.

I just couldn't keep myself and I hugged and kissed him back, putting both of my arms around his neck.

I start twirling his wet hair through my fingers while I allowed his ice cold lips to continue kissing me.

Our hearts are beating in the same rhythm, and I feel him closer to me than ever.

I didn't think I would feel this way about him giving me my first kiss, but I do.

This kiss is proof that I love him, and he loves me.

Because you can only share a moment like this together, only if it's true love.

"I love you David.."

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