Chapter Three: What is This?

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Liza's P.O.V

I started walking slowly down the hallway, trying to find my locker and arrange it before the bell rang. I was very difficult being alone in a huge school with all of the students socializing with each other in large groups. Even though I met her like 10 minutes ago, I grew very very comfortable with Gabbie, and I really wished she would be there with me.

I am still walking and no one is noticing me, am I a ghost? Maybe this is a good thing.. I don't really know. The only thing I am sure about is that I don't want to meet that Sabrina girl again.

I finally found my locker and I started arranging it to my liking. I put a few pics of me and mom, me and Erika, or as I call her, Era, and I also left some spaces to put some photos with Gabbie, which we would absolutely take when she came back. After like 6 minutes I am done with my locker. There is only one thing that I always keep with me.. a small heart-shaped was a birthday gift from my mom..and I keep it with me always, since she...left me forever.

I am getting ready to put the keychain in my locker when I hear this annoying voice again...

"ooo nice toy, where did you get it? In a bag of 70 cent chips?"-Sabrina said, as she high-fived that other girl that was with her this morning.

"Lemme see it" she said as she aggressively grabbed the keychain out of my hands and threw it at the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled, and everyone turned around to see what was happening.

"Ooopps" she said as she stepped on my keychain with her heels, causing it to break in 2 pieces, just like my heart.

She then left, and everyone else did too.

I fell down on my knees and I started crying again. I could not move my arms and my head was hurting. I got up and I couldn't talk or even see properly. The way she broke such a valuable memory for me was devastating.

I was still crying and my eyes slowly started to go black. My feet couldn't hold me up anymore... and they didn't...

My heart is pounding slowly as I started to fall, but I didn't hit the floor.

After just a few seconds I realize that I had landed in some soft arms. I open my eyes and I see a pair of beautiful brown eyes staring at me.

Is this a dream?

"Please stop crying.."  this angelic voice in a human body told me, as he slowly removes one hand from my waist to wipe my tears of with his thumb.

I could feel his warm fingers going back and forth on my cold cheeks and my heart going faster and faster everytime.

"Are you okay?" he asks me and I nod. He tries to pull me up as I make it slightly harder, because, to be honest, I loved being in his arms, with all the warmness that surrounded my body.

He eventually pulls me up and I try to convince myself to let it go, what was I doing?

"I'm David! And you are...."
"Liza!" I yelled as if I was in kindergarten and I was introducing myself to all the other children.
He smiled at my stupidness and then replied:
"You have a really beautiful name and also veryy good luck"
"Thanks! But what do you mean with good luck?" I was talking to him so confidently, I couldn't believe myself. There was something that made me really comfortable being around him.
"Well...-he replied,-if I wouldn't have had my locker next to yours, you would've met the floor instead of my soft soft arms today."
I laugh a bit and he laughs with me.
What is happening? I completely forgot what happend just a few moments ago.
I continue talking to David as my heart skips a few beats everytime I let out a word. When he smiles at me, I start feeling weird, deep down..

What is this?

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