Chapter Twenty: Not the only one.

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(Warning: This chapter includes offensive/inappropriate words)

Liza's P.O.V

I wake up to this awful, dark place, that's giving me chills.

How did I end up here?

They tied me up so much, that I can't even feel my arms and legs.

I couldn't get myself together.

10 seconds ago I was in a miracle, and now I am in hell.


"please me."

I couldn't believe my eyes.

The same people who kidnapped me, also kidnapped a young girl.

This 12-13 year old girl is tied up in this awful place, with scars all around her face and body.

Her voice is cracking cause of all of those tears.

Who are these monsters?!


"They won't come. No one will come."

"Sweetie please don't cry."

I felt so bad for her.

"What's your name?"

"Will you hurt me like the other girl if I tell you my name?"

"Please don't hurt me."

"No sweetie, I won't. Who are you talking about?"

"That bad girl and her mother. They always come to hurt me in some way when I say something."

"But I swear that I never say something bad."

"I just beg them to let me free."

She starts crying harder.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, tell me what your name is."

"My na.. name is.."


This can't be other than a fucking nightmare.

"DAVID!!" Me and that little girl yelled at the same time.

2 men were dragging him againts his will, as they were approaching us.


"David please help me.." that little girl said crying.

"Don't worry little angel, everything's going to be alright."

They started beating him up in front of us.

I started crying.

He couldn't defend himself, they had tied his hands up.

"DAVID NOO!!" I started screaming as my heart broke with every single punch they gave him.


He fell down on that disgusting floor, blood still coming out of different parts of his body.

I couldn't untie my arms. I wanted to run up to him.


He is been laying on the floor for a couple of minutes now. But he isn't reacting in any way.

Me and that girl are still screaming and crying but he is not responding.

I don't want to think that he...

Because he will never leave me.

One of the men that had just beat him up took off his mask.

"Don't worry "little angel" your brother is fine, for now."

"And why the hell are you crying babe? I know you get worried about me sweetie, but look I am fine."

That was Nathan.

He started walking towards me.

He came and started touching me with his hands from my cheecks, down, wanting to feel my body.

I have never felt more disgusted in my life.

He grabbed my jaw.

"How did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend like you."

"You never had me. And you never will."

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