Chapter Five: Not Really.

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Liza's P.O.V

I felt protected.

And it was something special and incomparable.

The bell had to ring and ruin everything.

"I have to go, but please promise me, you won't cry ever again."

I nod and he gives me a smile and runs off.

I was literally numb at this point and this stupid smile was graved at my face.

What is happening with me?

I got up and slowly walked to the cafeteria because it was lunch time.

I enter the cafeteria looking for a place to sit, when I hear this annoying voice again.

"Awwwee, ugly not finding a place to sit in?"

What is wrong with this girl?

I didn't want to respond, and so I didn't.

The next thing I knew was that I slipped and fell down the floor.

Her friends had poured different liquids so I would fall.

And then everyone started to throw their food at me, starting a massive food fight, 1 against the whole school.

I was totally covered in food as tears were unwillingly falling down my cheeks.

"Happy Birthday Baby!"

Did this really just happen?

Am I dreaming?

That was David's voice.

I don't care about literally anything right now.

This angel fixed everything with just 3 words and a smile.

I turn around... as he immediately crashes his lips into Sabrina's.

He called her baby.

And it's her birthday, too.

I try my hardest to get up and I run away as fast as I can, when suddenly..

"Oh my God! LIZA?! WAIT!!"

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