Chapter Twelve: The Survival Test

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(Attached is a picture of the new team 7, except Yuri of course! Just imagine Yuri popping up over Kakashi's right shoulder (your left) making a "V" with her fingers and griming a toothy grin with her eyes closed! XD)  


     Yuri entered the Training field really late, much later than Sakura, Naruto, or Sasuke, and a few minutes after Kakashi, and she was munching on a rice ball. As soon as the rest of team seven saw her, Sakura, and Naruto's eyes all went wide at the fact that she was eating. She soon reached them. Kakashi raised his visible eyebrow. "Well it looks like Yuri is going to throw up. Someone get the paper towels." He said. Yuri laughed after swallowing, and before taking another bite.

     "Like hell Kakashi." She scoffed after swallowing, and sticking her tongue out at him before taking yet another bite.

     "Hn." Sasukes emoed, looking away while Sakura gasped and Naruto tried not to laugh. Suddenly Kakashi was gone. He shortly appeared behind Yuri, reaching to put a kunai at her neck. The rest of the team did not know what to expect, but suddenly Yuri was not there.

     "What the..." Kakashi muttered, looking around quickly for her. Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto's eyes went wide when they heard Yuri's laughter from behind Kakashi, but no one saw her. As Kakashi whirled around in surprise, in a shimmer, like you would see heat waves on hot day on the road ahead of you, Yuri appeared and gave Kakashi a swift kick in the ribs, knocking him down. Then she was up in the air above him.

"Fire style: Fire flower justu!" She shouted, making rapid signs. The stream of fire went toward Kakashi. When the smoke cleared a moment later Yuri was standing at Kakashi's feet, holding out a hand to help him up, and Kakashi was unharmed. The justu hadn't hit him. It had hit the ground about foot from his face.

     "That is why I ate Kakashi Sensei. I can hold my own in a fight." The stunned Kakashi took hold on her hand and she helped him up.

     "Impressive. Are you sure you're just a genin? Iruka told me you can already channel chakra into your feet to run up surfaces, such as the hogake monument." He said with a slight chuckle.

     "I remember that..." Naruto muttered. Yuri smiled.

     "I had a lot of home training before I was even able to attend the academy. My parents wanted me to be better than all the rest, and I did not really have a choice in the matter. I could of become a genin when I was really young, my parents think, but I would rather of stayed with people my own age, so that's what I did. But. uhhh..." She gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of her head. "I actually am a Chunin. Though just barely... That test was hard as hell." She muttered the last two sentences. "I passed the test in the land of Earth the week before I came to konoha. I've loved konoha since I was little, so I wanted to move here. But as im a chuinin with no squad, the Hokage decided to experiment. He's wanted to do this for awhile, but hes never had an available chunin. He wants to see if new genin can benefit from having a jounin and a chunin on their squad. He picked a squad number randomly and that number was 7. Even though im a new chunin, he wants to see what will happen." 

     "Oh wow! A chunin! awesome!" Naruto said happily. Sakura just had an amazed expression on her face.

     "Hmmmm..." Sasuke said thoughtfully. 'No wonder she seems more advanced. Its because she is.'

     "Now, how about starting this test-a-ma-bobber thingy?" Yuri asked Kakashi, and he nodded. He put an alarm clock on a stump. He said that it was set for noon as he pulled out three bells. He said that the person who does not get a bell, gets no lunch, they will be tied to an upright log, and then that person gets to watch while everyone else eats in front of him or her. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all looked stunned and depressed. Yuri laughed softly. She knew that they had put two and two together, that they now knew that the real reason he told them not to eat is so he could pull this stunt. Yuri loved the fact that Kakashi was a book worm. The day she met him he was reading a book where a sensei did something like this to his students, so she suspected that he might try it.

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