Chapter three: The prank

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(Attached picture is young ino)

     Ino looked around nervously. "Good...No Kome in sight!" She though to herself. "There he is!" She exclaimed outloud as she saw Sasuke walk out of the academy to go eat his lunch. She walked up to him and put on her best cute smile. "Heeeeeeeeey sasuke! Wha'cha doin'?" She asked.

      Sasuke looked to see who was talking. "Oh! um..Hi Ino, I'm about to go eat my lunch...Wanna come?" Sasuke said. In his head he thought; "This is gonna be awesome!"

     "Sure!" Ino said happily since normally Sasuke try's to get away when Kome is not around to keep her off of him.

5 minutes later

     Sasuke and Ino are now eating when Hinata walks up. "You guy's seen Kome? She's supposed to eat quickly, then help me with my taijistu..." She said.

     "Nope!" Ino said, extremely happy that Kome wasn't here to keep her off of Sasuke.

     Sasuke smiled. "No, not since our taijistu class." he said. His smile getting bigger while thinking;"She doesn't suspect a thing!" out loud he chuckled.

     "Whats so funny, Sasuke?" Ino said leaning towards him and smiling. She wanted to know what type of things Sasuke thought was funny.

     Sasuke got a sweat drop and waves his hands in front of him while smiling a fake smile. "Nuthin'!" he said quickly, then looked away and started nervously stuffing his face.

     Ino was puzzled. "Well...OK, if you say so." she said, raising an eyebrow.

     Then Sasuke walks up, sits on the bench, and starts to eat. Ino forgets everything.

     "Heeeeeeeeey, Sasuke!" she said "How are yo- Wait a minute!" She exclaimed. She then starts looking between the two sasukes. Her heart starts beating faster as a sweat starts to build up on her brow. "What's happening here?!" She thought frantically.

     Hinata's eyes get wide as she starts to back away oh-so-slowly.

     Both Sasuke's smile and scoot towords Ino at the same time. Ino eyes get wide.

     "You look pretty today, Ino." They both say, bringing both of their faces a little closer to Ino's.  Ino passed out almost instantly. The Sasuke's and Hinata burst out laughing.

10 minutes later

     "Hu...Wha?" Ino says as the wakes up. She finds she had been moved too under the tree, which she was slumping against. It was the tree with the swing on it, the boy named Naruto was sitting on the swing talking to one of the Sasuke's. The other Sasuke was talking with Hinata.

     "Well its sad and just wrong that your so ignored, I'll be your friend if you want. Just remember the prank though. I don't really look like this." The Sasuke talking with Naruto smiled. Naruto smiled back happily. Ino sat up more and looked over to the other Sasuke and Hinata.

     "That was the best prank ever!" The Sasuke said.

     Hinata nodded shyly and smiled.

     "You did really well!" The Sasuke added.

     "Not as well as you and the other 'Sasuke', you two were around her more." Hinata said.

     "Not really, you were around more than I was!" The Sasuke argued. "The other Sasuke was around the most! He did the best, you the second, me the third. Though none of it would of been possible with out any one of us." The Sasuke finished excitedly.

     "Oi oi oi oi!" Ino said. "Two Sasukes...My head...Dammit..." Ino complained, leaning back against the tree with one hand on her aching head.

     "Hu?... Oh! Ino's awake!" Hinata exclaimed while grinning from ear to ear.

     The two Sasukes, Hinata, and even Naruto gathered around Ino.

     "Ya ok?" The Sasuke who had been talking to Naruto said.

     Ino glared at the Sasuke. "What happened? Are one of you Sasukes even the real one?" she growled.

     The Sasuke who had been talking with hinata spoke up. "I'm the real Sasuke." he grinned mischievously.

     "Then who are you, and how do you look like Sasuke?" Ino growled at the fake Sasuke.

     The Sasuke laughed and did a justu hand symbol. A cloud of smoke appeared and covered him. When it cleared, Kome was there. "Got'cha!" She shouted, laughing. "Ever heard of a transformation justu?" She asked.

     Ino groaned. "I should of known..." she grumbled. "Two Sasuke's is too good to be true." She thought. Naruto and everyone laughed at.

     "Not funny!" Ino shouted. Hinata shook her head, disagreeing with Ino. The real Sasuke kept right on laughing. Kome started to roll on the ground, clutching her sides that were hurting from laughing so hard. Naruto laughed with them.

  "I'm Kome Uchi, by the way." Kome said to Naruto once she had calmed down a little.

     Naruto nodded. "Neat name, what does it mean?" he asked.

   Kome thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Heck if I know." she said with a big smile. Everyone chuckled or rolled their eyes at that, excluding Ino of course.

     Then Iruka came over "What happened here? Why were you all laughing so hard? And why does Ino look so mad?" That comment made everyone think of the prank, which Kome had explained to Naruto, and they all burst out laughing.

     "WE PRANKED INO!" Kome shouted. At that they all laughed even harder. Ino grumbled, got up and walked away.

     Iruka sighed and followed Ino "Why do I put up with this?" He complained to himself.


How to pronounce:

Naruto- nar-u-to

Iruka- ear-u-ka

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