Chapter Ten: Later that say and the next day

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(this chapt. Is longer than the others, sorry if you don't like it so long, it just kinda happened. 'XD)

Attached is a pic of the rookie 9, all age 12. From left to right; Ino, Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sakura, Choji, Shino, Kiba(with Akamaru on his head), and Hinata.


Later that day

     Half an hour after the academy ended, Yuri was walking through the streets again. She saw Naruto up on the monument cleaning it with Iruka supervising him. Iruka said something and Naruto immediately started go about 100 times the speed he had just been going. Yuri laughed out loud. "Wonder what Iruka said." She watched Naruto for a moment more and then ran up to the monument and started running up it, using the chakra she was sending to her feet to do so. Iruka saw her heading towards him and he frowned, puzzled.

     "She's just an academy student. Her chakra control should not be that good!" He thought. Naruto saw her, but he just glanced at her and continued on with his speedy cleaning.

     "Hey Naruto!" She said as she passed him. She ran up the rest of the way to Iruka. "Hay uka! Wat'cha doin'?" She asked, smiling.

     "What do you think I'm doing?" He asked Sighing

     "Uuuuummmmmmmmmmm... Joining me in my evil mission to make Sasuke laugh?" Yuri smiled evilly.

     "Wait, what?"

     Yuri laughed. "I'm planning on getting Sasuke to laugh a real laugh. Its gonna be great!" She chuckled like a madwoman while Iruka got a sweat drop.

     "Ooooook? And no, I'm not going to join you. I'm watching Naruto, and afterward I'm going to take him to get some Ramen."

     "Oh, so you can't join me because your busy with Naruto?" Yuri questioned.

     "Umm....I guess?"

     "How about tomorrow then? We cant find out if he has a tickle spot!" Yuri chuckled madly and grinned evilly.

     "...We have school tomorrow." Iruka sweat dropped "will she ever leave me alone?" He wondered.

     "There's always after school!" Yuri protested.

     "I'm busy after school."

     Yuri raised her eyebrow. "Oh really?"

     "Yes, really." Iruka eyebrow was starting to twitch.

     Yuri smirked. "Doing what?"

     "Um...ah....Doing...Doing...uh..." Iruka stammered, trying to make up an excuse.

     "Oh never mind, I don't need your help anyways! I can get him to laugh by myself, you wait and see!" Yuri chuckled. "I love messing with you by the way, uka."

     Iruka got a vein "YURI! YOUR IMPOSSIBLE!II I THOUGH YOU WERE A MADWOMAN FOR A MINUTE!!" Yuri bust out laughing. Naruto came scrambling up the monument just then.

     "Iruka sensei! I'm done!" Iruka calmed down a bit and looked over the side of the monument. It was all done. Yuri had reduced her laughing to a hysterical chuckle.

     "OK Naruto, lets go to Ichiraku's!" Iruka called, starting towards the stairs of the monument.

     "YES!!!" Naruto shouted, running after him.

     Yuri had finally stopped chuckling and was gasping for breath when they disappeared out of her sight. She rested for a minute, then got up and ran to the edge of the monument and jumped off. She jump from one outcropping of the faces of the past Hokage's until the landed right in front of Iruka and Naruto, who had just reached the bottom of the stairs.

The Unknown Side: Sad younger years  Book One(9/6/18 Writing Again Soon)Where stories live. Discover now