Chapter 2

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Lissana's POV
I walked towards the guild looking for Mira. I looked around studying the guild from top to bottom. 'Where is she' I wondered. Mira hadn't been herself lately and that worried me. She was usually so nice and happy, but whenever Laxus is around she has some kind of personality change. Last week all Natsu did was yell a little too loud and Mira transformed into her Satan soul all angry at him. Now that was scary. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that Bickslow had walked up to me. "Looking for Mira?" He asked. At first I was startled but then relaxed as I saw it was Bickslow. "Yeah actually." He only smiled at me. "Well than  your in luck, I thought I saw her walk into the back room to get a broom." "A broom? Why would she need a broom." "Oh yeah, I forgot you weren't here during that. Mira had dropped a glass so she went to get a broom." "Thanks Bickslow." "No Problem.". 'Mira had dropped a glass?' I thought, 'She never does that!'. I walked to the back and opened the door. "Mira? Are you in here?" I called. "Yes Lisanna I am. What do you need?" She called back. "Oh I was just wondering if you needed any help behind the bar and serving." "Of Course Lisanna!" She replied cheerfully, "I would always accept your help.". She appeared with a broom. "I need you to sweep up the glass I accidentally dropped then just take over the bar for a while. Ok little sis?" I nodded excited. "Of Course!". She just hugged me and walked back to the back.

Lucy's POV

I walked back with Levy after we went to the library. It seems that after we read that book Levy had been as red as a tomato. I looked down at her and burst out laughing. "What's so funny?!" She demanded. "It's *laugh* just that *laugh* your blushing *laugh* and I thought *laugh*" I couldn't finish the sentence cause of the look on her face. She waited till I calmed down. "Now can you tell me what was so funny?" She asked with a annoyed look on her face. "I just thought that since your blushing so much that maybe you're thinking about Gajeel still." I said as I nudged her with my elbow. She blushed, "So what if I am? What about you and Natsu?!" She exclaimed. Now it was my turn to blush. "Oh shut up Levy!".

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