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"The sun has been, getting...worse."
"Did you pass all you're classes?"
"Cause you don't sound like you did."
"That's not the point chancellor... the p-"
"The point is- there will be no more of your "public announcements" about how the sun is running out. You are just stirring up the people- and soon you will cause an uprising!" The Chancellor yells. "And furthermore- you shouldn't even be ON the surface world! You should be rotting in the depths! And if you don't stop this nonsense- I shall cast you there!"
The Chancellor went on.
"Dr. Zamfold!" The Chancellor roared- his face bulging as a rose flowered. "No more!"
Dr. Zamfold looked down, his white robes speckled with dirt and soon, and small fragments of rock. 
"Just know this-" Dr. Zamfold said. "This planet- no- this universe won't last long...We need to evacuate..."
The Chancellor turns toward his window. His hand cupped to his chin, the rolls of his neck perfectly lined. His green skin, rough, and his fangs protruding as if he is about to kill. "Dr..." The Chancellor begins calmly. "Do you believe?"  Dr. Zamfold thinks about this for a second. "In science I do."  The Chancellor closes his eyes, which are  of visible to Dr. Zampack. "All of the Gazorpians will die." Dr. Zampack says. "Are you sure be do not want to at least prepare for the worst?" The Chancellor raises his hand, and waves the Doctor away. The Doctor turns, puts his hand on the golden laced knob of the white marble room, pulls it, and steps out into the hallway.

Dr. Zampack, walks down the hall, muttering to himself,"Shouldn't be running the planet." As he leaves the Ordinance building, he pulls a silver remote from his pocket. The Remote has 3 buttons, to small blue buttons with a larger red button between them. He slams his thumb down on the right blue button. After a few moments a silver bot flies down from the purple clouds. The bot flies over the Doctor, and after another moment a blue laser shoots from it. In a few seconds the doctor isn't there.


The Chancellor runs his thumb precariously along his right eyebrow, smoothing it. His green flesh, becomes bumpy. Bumpier than normal. His sinker white and black eyes, twinkle in the darkening sun. "You won't go out...will you, my dear?"  The sun gets a slight bit darker, not by enough for anyone to notice, but enough to make your skin chill. Little did they know, did any of the Gazorpians know, that their sun, was gone. Nothing more than fragments of gas and fumes. Only time could save them now. Slowly as their green skin mutated in on itself. As their mouths become dry and crackly. As every part of their bodies began to burn, until all the Gazorpians, were dead.  Until there was not a single blade of grass left alive on their planet. Or in the Galaxy, would they know what had happened. What had truly happened. What it was that was, their killer.


The bot that had picked up Dr. Zampack flew across the rivers and valleys of the planet. And then stopped in the middle of what seemed to be a desert. The bot lands near some form of shrubbery. A blue laser shoots from the bot and after a moment Dr. Zampack stands there, in this...desert. The Deseret that held rocks instead of sand. Very small rocks.
The Doctor reaches his hand into the shrubbery that looks an awful lot like Poison Ivy, and grabs something, he pulls back, he pulls hard enough for this back to land in the rocks.

The rocks under his back, begin to give way, as a split causes Dr. fall.

The Chancellor, lays the white room, that him and Dr. Zampack, had been speaking in only a few Gazorpian Minutes ago, which comes out as a few hours in Earth time, but none of the Gazorpians had heard of Earth before. They had never heard of Earth because Earth was destroyed, Millions of years prior. For the same reason their planet was about to die. Except the Earth had not been radiated, but frozen. Nuclear Winter...then the sun melted all of that snow. After they had all died. All the humans. All the humans of Earth.

The Chancellor, killed, by the only Gazorpian that has known murder. Zyles. Reason: For the previous reasoning know as: The willowing.  What was the willowing? No one understood it fully. Not even the ones who has experienced it.


Dr. Zampack stands in front of a control panel, with levers and buttons littering it everywhere. Dials and numbers-(Gazorpian numbers of course.) and as a second note... no one on this planet spoke one in the whole universe did anymore. The Gazorpians spoke...Gazorpian. As the English- spoke English.  Or as the Germans- spoke German.

Dr Zampack pulls some levers and pushed a few buttons. A bright light fills the room. The Doctor puts his arm in front of his eyes. The light dims a little and the Doctor looks at what it was. "No..." he says in bewilderment. "No!" He screams. He reaches back to the control panel, to do something- but it is already upon him. It devours him easily- for that is what it is meant to do. Devour. It rips his Green flesh from his grey bones. It even consumes the bones. It doesn't care. All it cares about is eating. hasn't eaten in a few years- because of this Doctor. Because of the Doctor that created it- forced it to starve. But starve no more shall it. Dr. Zampack's son, slams his large hands down on the control panel, his huge black fangs and his very pale- almost blue skin, seems almost white in the light. He is not just skin and bones from not eating. He is large- almost...obese looking. With the Gazorpians the more you at the slimmer you got. The less you ate the more...weight you put on. Dr. Zampack's son, Frin dies, without reason. He falls dead. Falls dead...just because. The sudden consumption killed him? Maybe...No one would ever figure out why...because no one would ever see Frin. Never. Again. No one would see the Chancellor again, except for his secretary. If you could call her a secretary. A Gazorpian secretary? Yes. That fits the bill quite nicely.

Soon after these events, all the Gazorpians claimed that their skin felt tingly. Almost a burning sensation. And it was. It was the radiation from their star- their sun. That had killed all of them. Their sun had killed all the Gazorpians but one. One Gazorpian lived. How? No person knows... but I do...and who am I? I am the Universe. The Universe is me. And there is one more thing, that I must tell you.

The Universe ends with you.

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