Chapter 14

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Zy stumbles down the hall, his skin still almost gray- almost...translucent. A yellow version of Malus comes out of a room, and sees Zy. It's heels-or-whiskers- stand on end. And Zy leaps on it (him), and does a very similar thing that he did to Malus. Ripping his heels out- pushing his eyes in- killing him. After Zy is done with that. He keeps going down the hall.


Fink stirs in his cell, with his two cell mates. The first one is a Rygon, a lion- human- pile of sludge- mutant type creature. The Rygon live on the planet Xenonne. The Rygon, looked like a dark purple ball, that had a lions mane and face- and then it has semi-human legs and arms.

Fink's second cell mate- was known as Joex. Joex was a Vipir. Vipirs, were a...are Medusa. That's it.

Fink being a Gazorpian is "cherished"  by the Talos. So they put him in a cell, that his almost always in danger. Usually the Rygon- Mil, would attack Fink. Fink would usually be defended by Joex. But occasionally Joex was a problem. Things happen when you are in a small space with two other species.

Fink sits on the edge of the cracked bench that is bolted to the wall in the cell. Joex sits to Fink's left, and Mil to Fink's right. Joex holds a small metal object in his hand. A ring. On the ring, and large O is on it. Ingraved inside of the O is a key, and a heart.

The snakes that hang out of Joex's head are limp. Dead. Joex had once said that they, ( The Talos) killed all of them before they put him in the cell. But all the snakes would come back, as long the dead one's heads were cut off.

Joex flips the ring around in his hands, before flipping it on his finger. He puts his hand down to his side.

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