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Later that day

Ebony decided to go check on Kira and Eric, she already knew that Eric planned on talking to her that's why she sent Isaiah out on business. She was informed that Eric got Kira high and she was acting a little strange so she wanted to make sure everything was alright. She remembered her first time smoking, she was tripping out so bad she stripped out of her clothes and ran outside naked, good thing it was dark out so nobody really seen all her Glory.

"Where you going Boss?" Will asked as I walked by and I pointed upstairs. "I wanna see this action!" He chimed trailing behind me smiling and I looked back at him annoyed. "What action?" I asked stopping in the middle of the stairs and he chuckled. "Ain't you finna curse out Eric?" He questioned confused and I shook my head slowly, tryna figure out why the hell he would think that. I turned back around and continued my stroll upstairs with him following behind me still.

"What time Smoke supposed to be back?" He asked once we made it upstairs. "When he sells everything." I answered in a duh tone as we headed down the hall, I heard voices coming from the other side of the door. "Are they arguing?" He whispered and I shrugged not knowing my damn self. I opened the door slowly and covered my mouth laughing at the site of them knocked the hell out.

"Dude really fell asleep on her stomach." He said pulling out his phone getting ready to take a picture. "This is so cute in a way." I commented taking a good three pictures. We both laughed quietly, I walked slowly into the room and went to turn the television down some. "Turn on the ac." Kira mumbled tiredly shoving Eric and I dropped to the floor and Will backed out closing the door some. "Eric." She called shaking him and he mumbled something before answering. "Can you turn on the fan or something? It's hot." She whined, I heard the bed move causing me to move on the other side out of site.

I heard the ac cut on then he got back on the bed. "Thank you." She said and he gave her a simple "mhm." Before going back to sleep, Will peeped inside letting me know I could get up. I stood up and this time she was laying on him, with the covers pulled over them halfway. I debated on waking her up and moving her, but I chose not to... too soon.

"Come on, I got some stuff to handle." I said leaving out and he followed me.
"What time is it?" I asked tiredly still laying down. "Seven." He answered and I closed my eyes moving off of him, he sat up picking up his bottled water. I ran my hands down my face then pulled the blanket up to my nose as I stared at Eric, damn that boy fine as hell. "You wanna go home?" He asked finally looking at me and I shook my head, I knew I was still somewhat high and I also knew I kinda wanted to stay the night here.

"Why you looking at me like that?" He asked smiling some and I shrugged. "I'm prolly still high." I said not really sure and he laughed laying back down facing me. "Do you remember anything?" He asked staring at me. "Mhmm." I answered nervously and he winked at me. "You remember the kiss?" He questioned and I closed my eyes nodding causing him to chuckle. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into him, I buried my face in his neck.

"You was on a roll Lil' mama." He joked and I shook my head. "Shit I ain't had a problem with it." He assured still holding me and I felt myself drifting back to sleep. "You know you kept saying I was touching your leg?" He asked laughing. "I did?" I asked with my face still buried in his neck. "Yeah, then you hauled ass across the room scaring me." He said laughing and I giggled. "That was some good shit." I announced laughing still. "Big facts." He replied rubbing my back some.

Silence took over as I got comfortable against him, closing my eyes. "Finna go to sleep?" He asked and I nodded.

"Call Ms. Sasha first, ask if you can stay the night, so I can take you to get some clothes." He informed and I took a while then rolled over grabbing my phone off the dresser. I went to her contact and clicked on it, she answered on the second ring. "Hey, can I stay the night?" I asked and she got quiet. "Let me speak with that lady first." She demanded and I sat up rolling my eyes, I got up and headed out the room.

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