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"Good thing you got her here soon enough. Someone tried to drug her and what seemed like, a stab to her side with some sort of needle with some substance on it." The doctor informed me and that didn't do nothing, but made me more pissed off.

"They were trying to paralyze her and kill the baby, but didn't puncture her in the right area, that's a miracle." He said and I shook my head looking at her as she slept, I'm really gonna kill his ass. "WHERE IS SHE!?" I heard her mom yell, from out the door.

I tapped the doctor then walked out the room almost walking into Eric. "She in there?!" She yelled frantically and I nodded blocking the door from letting them go in just yet. "What happen? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

She ranted nervously, as much as I seen her always with this hard exterior I was shocked to see her nearly breaking down. "They're both okay." I assured and they let out a breath of relief. "Tell me everything." She said, I motioned for them to follow me into the next room for privacy.

After I explained to them from what happened from jump to finish they were just as disgusted and pissed like me. "I guess I gotta bring Storm back." She said pulling out her phone and I looked at her confused. "It's a street thing, just know Storm ain't nothing to fuck with." Trell explained and I nodded liking the sound of that.

"This nigga gotta go." Eric said more to himself but I chimed in anyways. "What y'all got planned?" I asked and he looked at me with a raised brow. "Kira will not blame me if anything happens to you." He said shaking his head and I smacked my lips.

"Nigga he put her and my child at risk, I'm getting parts of this." I demanded and Trell chuckled. "I'm not doing anything with you, Ebony or Trell can." He said leaving out the room and I shook my head. I guess he had a valid reasoning.

"I'll figure something out then have Trell call you." She said patting my shoulder, I nodded and followed them out the room.


Everyone sat around in the room, for almost six hours until Kira woke up. "How you feeling?" Ebony asked walking over to Kira, "I'm fine mama." She assured, looking around the room and landed on Chase. He gave her a small smile and she smiled back.

"You feel any pain?" She asked her and Kira shook her head. "I'm fine mama." She assured, she kissed her cheek the allowed everyone else to speak to her after. Eric decided to be the last one, but Chase was also trying to be the last one to speak with her as well.

Eric got up and left out with Trell and Alex following behind him. Things didn't started happening to her until her and Chase got together and everyone was thinking that, but wouldn't say anything.

"Hey baby." Chase said as he pulled up a chair by the bed. She smiled at him and took a hold of his hand. "I should've caught on, the first time you were acting weird." He told her and she shrugged. "I should've just said something instead of being so scared."

She stated feeling stupid for how afraid of Mace she were. She knew her mom and Eric them would dead anybody that tried it, Isaiah was the first warning and that shooting was the confirmation.

"We're not going over there no more, I'ma kill him." He told her and she knew he was serious. "You're gonna go to jail." She mumbled and he stared at her. "If I gotta go to jail for protecting you, then I'll go to jail Kira, fuck all that other shit ma, he fucked with you too many times. I'm not letting shit slide no more, blood for blood is how I'm feeling."

He snapped, she didn't say anything, she knew once his mind was made up that was it. "Alright." She spoke softly, he kissed her forehead and stood up. "I'll be back." He said and she nodded, as he was putting the chair back, Eric and the guys walked in the room.

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