Chapter 1

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(Y/n) has always been the most different girl in school. She listened to whatever music she wanted to, from rap to rock, to country to modern pop. She wore glasses, the only person in her shitty school to do so, she hated partying, but loved a glass of whiskey every once in a while. She hung out with whoever she wanted to, boy or girl, goth or prep, it didn't matter to her. She did well with her art classes, but absolutely sucked at her academic ones. It's a complete surprise to her family that she was graduating at all this year. People admired her for her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair, and her big (e/c) eyes.
Today at school, she was walking down the hall to find her locker, and when she did, she opened it and started putting her books inside. She held onto the side of the locker to adjust her socks, and then someone slammed her locker closed on her hand, making her scream out loud and fall over. She looked up and glared daggers at her usual bully, Gavin.
"Sup, nerd? How's your 'mom', huh? You know you're adopted right? I don't know why though. I don't see how anyone could love someone like you!" He laughed as he finished his usual hate speech, his buddies chuckling behind him. (Y/n) stood up, still rubbing her hand, and said
"Wow Gavin, I knew your dick was small, but I didn't think you'd resort to targeting my home life. How tragic for you." She smirked as she finished, and felt very satisfied at the fact that Gavin had gone completely red, and his friends were snickering at him. He turned around quickly to scold them, then turned around again and raised his hand to slap (y/n). Expecting this, as he did it almost every day, she dodged it and threw a hard right hook to the side of his jaw, causing his head to snap to the side from the force of the hit. He staggered backwards, cursing and rubbing his jaw as his friends start withdrawing from the scene, and he glared at you, mumbling under his breath about "getting what you deserve".
It was always the same threat, but something about this time made you feel uneasy, but you just brushed it off and grabbed the bandages that you kept in your locker, wrapping your hand, and then made your way to your first class.


After her last class, (y/n) made her way outside, where her sister was waiting to pick her up. (Y/n) and her sister never really got along, so it always put (y/n) in a bad mood when she had to be with her in her car.
"Where's mom? Why are you here?" She said angrily, throwing her stuff into the back of her sisters car.
"Mom is busy with Grandma, she has an MRI this morning or something. Be grateful I'm here at all, I could be going to Miami with my friends. Now I have to wait to leave until tomorrow!" Her sister Hannah said.
"Oh boohoo, an extra day. How extremely awful, thank you so much for coming for me and not leaving me stranded like the amazing sister you are." Everything (y/n) just said was completely sarcastic, but she knew it would appease her sisters ego.
"By the way, you got some stupid letter from someone." Hannah said while tossing a green envelope onto (y/n)'s lap. She looked at it for a second, and then picked it up and turned it over, seeing a Septic Sam sticker on the front. There was something very weird about it though. It didn't looks like a normal septic eye, it looked like it was glitching really badly. Her first thought, being the fan girl she was, was that for some reason, Jacksepticeye, her favourite YouTuber, was sending her a letter. She quickly threw the thought from her mind as it was completely far fetched, but she opened the letter anyway. It read: "(y/n)...I've been asked to take you away. I've been told to make it seem like you died...and I've been allowed to do whatever I want with you. I will be by your house expecting me- ASE"
(Y/n) shook as she read the letter, which was written in weird glitchy writing. She looked at her sister in slight fear, shaking with the letter in her hand. "Hannah...who gave you this letter?"
Hannah shrugged "I don't know, some weird guy with green hair. I couldn't see his face though, he just handed me the letter and told me it was for you, then walked away."
(Y/n) looked out the window to her right, trying to swallow a horrible sense of panic that was quickly rising in her throat. She didn't want to go home...not yet. She was about to ask Hannah if they could go out for food, but she noticed, with horror, that they were already home. She stepped out of the car uneasily, every fibre in her body screaming for her to run, but when she opened the door, everything was normal and fine.
"Hannah, I'm going to go take a shower!" She yelled as she ran upstairs.
"Okay, don't care" was the reply she got. She gathered her clothes and stepped into her shower, closing the glass door and turning on the cool water.

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