Chapter 3

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   (Y/n) woke up with a pounding headache, barely able to stand it. She struggled to sit up, feeling a pain in her back as well, as if she had slept on the hard wood floor of her room. Remembering what happened, she started to panic again, looking around at the room she was in. It wasn't hers. She didn't recognize this room in the slightest, and it terrified her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to calm herself so she can think rationally. She opened them again, looking around, taking notes about the room. It was made entirely out of concrete, with a small metal bed frame in a far corner. The bed had a mattress on it, but the mattress looked dirty and disgusting, as if it had been used quite a bit. There was a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but it offered very little light, and there were no windows. There was one door, only a few feet from her, and she slowly stood up, ignoring the pain in her head and back. She turned her head and immediately felt a small pain in her neck, then remembered that Anti had bruised her neck as he knocked her out. She rubbed her neck gently, and headed towards the door, reaching for the handle. Before her hand even touched it, the door flew open which knocked her back onto her ass. She looked up in fear at the man who had thrown it open, and swallowed hard, staring at Anti. He walked closer to her, standing over her at this point, and he let out a deep chuckle.
   "I'm guessing you want to know whats going on? Why you're here? Yes I thought so...let's see, where to start? You remember Gavin? I'm sure you do. He hates you, a lot. He used his hatred for you to fuel my power. Why Gavin? Well, he's one of Sean's good friends believe it or not. And I knew that if he helped me, I would have to help him, and he decided to use that favour to get rid of you! He asked that I make it seem like you killed yourself. Easily believable...poor (y/n) (l/n), such an outcast, even in her own family. Your mother posted a video on your channel about it, and it was really sad. Just kidding. It was pathetic. Well, now you're here, and you're mine. You will never leave. Ok?" (Y/n) just sat there, trying to process everything. She had always thought that Sean was really hot, and the thought of Antisepticeye had enticed her for the longest time. But seeing him in real life, standing over her, filled her with such a sense of fear, she couldn't tell if she wanted to scream or cry.
   "'re real...this is real...right? I'm not dreaming, right?" She muttered to herself although aware that Anti heard her. He leaned down and grabbed her arm, forcing her onto her feet and looking her in the eyes.
   "Oh no, darling. This is real...I'm here, and you're mine. I can make you believe, if you'd like..." Anti whispered the last part, reaching out to touch her. He grabbed her hips, pulling her against him, and he hovered his lips over hers, then kissed her neck softly. She panicked and pushed him away, then turned around to run to the other side of the room. Anti growled slightly, dashing forward and tripping her, watching as she fell and tried to get up again. He grabbed the back of her shirt, flinging her against the nearby wall. She sat there, stunned for a bit as Anti walked back over to her, grabbing her shoulder.
   "Stupid girl. You can't run from me, I will always catch you." As he finished the last part, he stomped on her ribs, breaking a few and causing her to cry out in pain. She laid there gasping for breath while trying not to stress the wound further. It was becoming increasingly difficult as the pain just got worse, and her rapid breathing wasn't helping. Anti just watched her, chuckling, but it soon turned into maniacal laughter. He walked out the door, locking it, and leaving (y/n) to her pain.

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