Chapter 6

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   It had been a couple weeks since (y/n)'s first night with Anti. He only ever came into the room to give her food and drink, and it was usually whatever she wanted. It seemed that if she were craving something, Anti would bring it to her within minutes, no matter what it was. He also switched her to a bigger room, where he hung some punching bags and other workout equipment for her so she wouldn't get bored. (Y/n) was currently sweating her ass off, running on a treadmill until she heard Anti open the door. She slowed her speed until she stood still and looked at him, taking a sip of water he had provided.
   "Hey. You hungry?" Was all he said, and he sighed a little as she nodded. "Ok well, Darkiplier, Googleplier, and Wilford are here for our monthly meetings. They want to meet you." He finished his words with a small smile, which for some reason made her uncomfortable. She nodded.
   "Ok...can I shower and stuff first? And can I have a little bit of makeup?" Anti had gotten used to her making requests, and she had gotten used to requesting stuff. He walked over and handed her some strawberry shampoo and conditioner, her favourite vanilla soap, a razor, and some makeup. She smiled as she looked down at foundation that matched her skin perfectly, black eye liner, and her favourite dark red lipstick. She squealed in happiness, said a quick thank you, then ran into the small bathroom provided for her. She took her time washing everything, and shaving until her legs were smoother than anything in this world, and quickly rinsed and dried herself off. She stood naked in front of the crappy little mirror she had, applying her make up quickly but nicely. After she was done, she put on some clothes, which was tight black skinny jeans, a black studded belt, and a black crop top with a pink moustache on it. She grabbed her matching black suspenders with pink moustaches and put them on over her shoulders, smiling at herself. She was really glad she had convinced Anti to grab all her clothing from her old house.
   She stood in the room for a little, until the door creaked open. She expected to see Anti coming for her, but instead it was Googleplier, and he had a very sinister grin on his face as he looked at her.
   "Miss (l/n)...absolutely stunning. Everyone is waiting for you, so please, come this way." His voice was very robotic, and it gave her chills, but she followed him down the hallway anyway. He slowed his pace until he was walking next to her, and right before they got to the main room, Google slammed her against a wall, bringing his lips close to her ears.
   "I recommend that you behave yourself around Darkiplier. He can be pretty...violent." He finished the sentence by firmly grabbing her wrist, almost breaking it. She squealed in pain a little bit, and tried to wrench herself free of his vice like grip. He eventually let go, giving her an evil smile, then walked into the main room. (Y/n) followed behind him, looking around at the faces that were pointed towards her as she walked in. She made eye contact with everyone, when she got to Wilford, he gave her a once over, then a sinister smirk appeared on his lips as he looked away.
   When she locked eyes with Anti, they were oddly sympathetic. When she locked eyes with Dark, she suddenly felt fear like never before, not even with Anti. He stood up slowly, his gaze not leaving hers, and he walked over to her slowly until he was mere inches away. He grabbed her hand, making her gulp hard, and brought it to his lips. His hands and his lips were like ice against her skin, and she yanked her hand back in pain as his lips touched it. She looked at her hand to see what happened, and she saw a quickly fading 8-bit "D". It faded until it was barely visible, but still there. He ushered her into a chair opposite of Anti, then sat back into his own.
   "Well, (y/n)...I doubt Anti told you why you're here. You see, we are all connected in some way. Anytime Anti or anyone else is in trouble they can't get out of, we can all feel the danger, and we all come to help if necessary. Which means, when he has a new play thing, we all feel enticed by it. This meeting is being held so we can all meet you, and decide who gets you next."
   "Next?! What do you mean next?" (Y/n) jumped up a little, shocked at what she heard. Dark turned his cold gaze onto her, which made her sit back down, and he smiled when he saw the look of fear in her eyes.
   "If you would just let me explain again...we are all connected. When only one of us has a play toy, we all feel the need for her presence. So we share. If all of us have our own, then sharing isn't necessary, but since Anti is the only one with you, he has to share. So when his year is up, we need to decide who gets you next."

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