Chapter 7

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   (F/b) means favourite book.
   After hearing everything, (y/n) was kind of terrified. She thought it was bad enough with Anti, but Dark was just...there wasn't an English word for it. Just being in his presence made (y/n) want to scream, and cry, and pull her hair out until she couldn't breathe, until she was bald. When he looked at her, it felt as if her heart stopped. His skin and his breath were as cold as ice, even colder if possible. Anti's body was at least warm.
   "So, since you're completely ignoring me, the four of us will decide. When Anti's year is up, he will hand her over to Google. When his year is up, she will be given to Wilford. I'll take her last. Agreed?" Dark explained the situation and smiled with satisfaction as everyone agreed to the terms, and he turned his cold gaze on to (y/n). He smiled, stood over her, gripping her shoulder tightly, and said "I'll be waiting for you, little one" before he vanished in a thick cloud of black smoke. Google seemed to glitch out of the room, and Wilford, being the most human, just walked out. Anti looked at (y/n), smiling.
   "So glad that was taken care of. You look lovely, by the way...absolutely tasty." He walked over, grabbing her arm and throwing her back into her room. "Stay here. I'll be back" was what he said before he slammed the door closed. (Y/n) just sat there, confused and scared, she looked over at all the books that Anti had gotten for her, and picked up her favourite, (f/b) and began to read from the beginning. She sighed deeply, getting bored very quickly and decided to just think, trying to get Dark out of her mind. But he lingered there, in the back, as if he were still present in the room. (Y/n) started to notice that the room temperature had dropped dramatically, and she was now shivering, her teeth clattering together. She hugged herself tightly while regretting wearing a crop top, but happy she had worn jeans.
Anti walked back into the room and threw a medium box onto the ground before giving her a sharp glare. "Don't touch it" was all he said before leaving again. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore Anti, the looks that everyone had given her at that table...especially the looks that Dark had given her. She couldn't get the image out of her mind. He almost looked hungry for her and at times it seemed like he would just murder everyone there and take her for himself right then. She was ripped out her thoughts by a sharp pain in her throat as she tried to take a deep breath, and she could immediately tell why. The room had gotten so cold, it hurt to breathe, and her fingers and toes had become stiff and numb. When a tear fell down her cheek, it left frost marks on her face, and fell to the floor as a little ice piece. The lack of proper oxygen was starting to get to her, and panic flooded into her at an alarming rate, but she tried to remain calm. It proved difficult when you were freezing, and couldn't breathe, but she tried her hardest. Eventually she started hyperventilating, and looked up at Anti as he walked slowly into the room.
"It's been a while since we had some proper fun, don't you think?" He let out a very cold and evil chuckle as he watched (y/n) close her eyes, and fall numbly to the floor. He waited a few more minutes, watching her once tan skin turn deathly pale, and sighed loudly. "I suppose it's time for another dose." He grabbed (y/n)'s arm, roughly dragging her to a new room, bigger, with a single window, and a bigger bed. He threw her into it roughly, watching some blood trickle from a wound in her head. He went to the other room and grabbed the box, bringing it into the new one. He dropped it at her feet.
"Time to begin the real fun..." he muttered as he bent over her, injecting a new dose of his blood into her neck, then starting on his new project.

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