Chapter 4

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   (Y/n) laid there, crying, for almost 2 days straight. Anti had left her there by herself, no food, no water, no sun. No nothing. Her ribs were still very sore, and she felt like she could barely move because of the pain. She was currently sleeping, although very lightly, and Anti walked into the room quietly without disturbing her. He held a small syringe, completely empty, until he stuck it into a small vein on his arm, withdrawing a good amount of bright green blood. He cleaned the needle a little bit before bending over her, wrapping a tourniquet tightly around her arm. As he poked at her arm a little, trying to find a vein, her eyes fluttered open and she started to panic, trying to roll away from him. The pain in her ribs kept her from going very far, along with the fact that he didn't immediately reach out for her again.
   He holds up the syringe. " my blood. If I can give you enough, your ribs will heal completely in a few hours. With enough transplants, you'll eventually be able to stop worrying about anything breaking. Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for you. Breaking your ribs was fun. I'm doing this because your ribs broke easily, so anything else I do to you will hurt, and leave you bloody, bruised, and broken. It will be much better for me," he grabbed her arm and continued poking it to find a vein, "if you don't break so easily. With this new strength thing, I can have so much more fun with you."
   After finding a vein, he stuck the needle into it, making her whimper a small bit, and pushed down the handle which forced his blood into her. He removed the needle, smiled at her, then walked back out of the room while she lay there holding her breath, a burning sensation running up her arm as throughout her body.
   She looked at her arm, and saw that the veins in it were turning the same green colour as his blood. It stayed that way until her whole body was covered in the green veins, and then it slowly faded along with the burning sensation. As she laid there, (y/n) noticed that the horrible pain in her ribs was rapidly fading. She felt very confused....hadn't Anti said it would take a few hours? Maybe it already had been a few hours? She opened her eyes and became even more confused. Weren't her eyes already open? Did she fall asleep? She turned her head over to the left, looking at the door and noticing it was slightly ajar. She stood up.
   (Y/n) stumbled over to the door, pushing it open to see an empty hallway beyond it, which she started to walk down. She made it about halfway to another door when Anti appeared out of thin air in front of her, scaring her back onto her ass. He looked at her with a very satisfied smile, then let out a small chuckle.
   " does work. You didn't die, good job. Dark will be very happy to hear this news, so now I can tell you the truth. Mixing my blood with yours means that if you ever manage to run away, we can find you. No matter where you go, or what you do. And we can ruin your life from afar...right after I mixed my blood with yours, I used it to take over your mind for a few hours. I let you walk out of this place, let you murder someone in broad daylight...and then helped you escape back here. Didn't you notice the blood all over you? That poor child...oh well." He finished his speech with a deep laugh, watching as she looked down to see her clothing caked in human blood. There was a knife in her hands, which she also didn't notice.
   Anti stepped forward and grabbed the knife from her hand, throwing it onto the ground, then he grabbed her hips gently and pulled her close to him. " can't refuse me if I want you..." he whispered before pressing his lips against hers in a rough kiss. He was right, she couldn't pull away from him as if her body wouldn't let her. At the same time, she didn't really want to...he bit her lip hard enough to make it bleed which made her gasp, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into her mouth and taste every inch of it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped one arm around her waist, and the other went onto her butt, and a heated make out session started. He pulled away from her and pushed her into back into the room and onto the crappy little bed in the corner.

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