Chapter 9

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(Y/n) lay there for a few minutes, trying to gather her mind after that horrible, yet very satisfying, time with Anti. She slowly sat up, looked around at the new room, then stood and picked up the mirror. She had been playing brave earlier, and was checking her eye again to make sure she had seen it correctly. She screamed and dropped the mirror as she saw that her pupil and iris turned a lime green color, as well as the whites of her eye. The whole thing had turned green, although her vision remained perfectly fine.
She looked up as Anti came back into the room, glaring at her "why the fuck are you screaming?" He looked at the broken mirror on the floor, and then up to her face with a sly smirk. "'re starting to see the effects of my blood. Well this is the last dose you're getting, so enjoy it." He tossed a syringe to her, a little large than the previous ones, that was filled with the lime green liquid that was Anti's blood. She caught it, almost stabbing herself, and looked up at Anti in confusion.
"You' me a choice? Whether I should use it or not?" Her voice was quiet, and calm. Anti just nodded before leaving and sealing the door shut, and (y/n) flinched at the sudden sound of his voice over a hidden intercom.
"It's your choice...whether you live or die." (Y/n) looked around the room, terrified, as it started to quickly fill with water. She squealed as the water reached her feet, and continued to rise, as the water was very cold...almost freezing. She ran to the door and tried to pull it open, only to find that it was locked tightly. She started to truly panic when the water reached her breasts, making her whimper and shiver from the cold. (Y/n) looked around desperately for the intercom she had heard Anti's voice through.
   "What are you doing?! LET ME GO!" Her voice was filled with panic and fear, and this feeling only rose as Anti's horrible and disgusting chuckle was heard over the intercom. "Last dose...last dose.." was being constantly whispered in her ear, from a thousand different voices, and she put her hands to her head and screamed until the water covered her mouth and choked her. Swimming to the top, she took a good hold on the syringe and plunged it into her arm, biting down hard on her own teeth, and pushing down the lever to release all of the contents of the syringe into her blood stream. She struggled to stay above water as the blood roared through her veins, causing immense pain and anger to surge through her, and (y/n) found herself sitting on the floor, underwater. She was breathing fine, as if it were air, and she closed her eyes, trying to forget the cold that was enveloping her body mercilessly.
The door opened suddenly, the water flushing out of it at a quick pace, but (y/n) just sat there, still and unmoving. When her head was above water once more, she turned to look at Anti to see he had a small smile painted on his face. He walked into the room slowly, towards her, and he held his hand out to help her up. She took it gently, letting him help her, and as she stood she squeezed his hand tightly enough to break some bones. She smirked in satisfaction as she heard grunts of pain coming from him, and she quickly let go of his hand, watching as he just popped everything back into place.
"Alright, so it worked and you're already ballsy. Need I remind you that I can still easily kill you? My blood is only keeping you alive and making you stronger. There's nothing else going for you!" Anti grabbed her throat tightly in the middle of his anger, and watched as she struggled to pry his fingers off of her. He smirked "see? Only alive, only a small bit stronger. You are nothing like me, and you never will be. Understand?" He smiled wide as (y/n) nodded and let her go, then walked out of the room. "Stay." (Y/n) stood there, staring at the open doorway. She looked down at herself, seeing she was still naked. The first room Anti had put her in had some of her old clothes, and she fully intended on getting dressed. Did he really expect her to listen?
   Walking out of the room quietly, she listened intently for any sound that might tell her if Anti was near. She made her way down the long hall towards the first room, and smiled a small bit as she saw the wardrobe which held her clothing. She jogged over to it and opened it quickly, choosing some comfortable underwear and matching bra, then putting on a dark blue flannel with black skinny jeans. She finished off her outfit with a pair of grey high top vans, and smiled in satisfaction at her outfit. She turned back towards the door, but was only greeted with a hard punch to her nose, which broke it and caused (y/n) to fall unconscious. Googleplier stared down at her body, then sighed a little, looking at Anti.
   "I told her to stay. She should know what happens when she doesn't listen by now. She had the last dose, but it'll wear off in a few hours. My blood won't stick with her, so she's not mine. Good luck." Anti said to Google, then waved him off as Google picked up (y/n)'s limp body, making his way out of the small prison that had been her home for a few months.

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