Chapter 1

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A/N: Ello' I wrote this story a long time ago and just found it now so please bear with me.. welcome to the story..

Elena was in the hospital, she was being treated by the nice doctors in the hospital. "Where's my mommy and Daddy?" She asked sweetly, the doctor bandaging her arm looked up to her, 6 year old Elena didn't know but the doctor's eyes were filled with pain. "They're being looked after by some doctors in the other room sweetheart." The doctor said as she put the last bandage on Elena.

The door to the room opened and a woman walked in, she had very blue eyes and long brown hair. "Are you Elena?" The woman asked.

"Yes." Elena said quietly looking at the woman, she was wearing very casual but very nice clothing and looked very tired.

"My name is Charlotte Salvatore, I am a friend of your mother's." Charlotte's smile slipped ever so slightly. Elena turned her head to the side.

"Mommy never told me about a Mrs. Salvatore." Elena said a little confused and skeptical. Charlotte walked over, she sat beside Elena on the examination bed and the paper underneath her crackled noisily.

"You're going to stay at my house for a little while, Jeremy is too. I have two sons, Stefan and Damon." Charlotte was trying to comfort Elena and make her feel safe.

"Boys! Ewww how do you live with them, they are mean and smell and have no manners." Elena said giggling at her own words. Charlotte laughed a little too.

"Well how do you live with your brother?" Charlotte asked, Elena shook her head.

"That's different he's my baby brother, I look after him so he has good manners and smells nice." She said proudly. Charlotte laughed and held out her hand to Elena.

"It's late why don't we get Jeremy and get you to my house ok darling?" Charlotte said sweetly, Elena took her hand and the two walked to get Jeremy.

When Jeremy was fastened into his baby car seat and Elena was fastened into hers, Charlotte started the car and switched gears as they pulled away from the hospital.

When they arrived at the Salvatore home, Charlotte carried Jeremy into Stefan's room and put him in the crib that had been set up in there.

When she came back downstairs, Elena was sitting on the barstool in the kitchen, swinging her legs. Elena turned and saw Charlotte on the stairs, she got up.

"Damon has a spare bed in his room, he's a little older than you but I'm sure he'll be on his best behaviour." Elena smiled a bit.

"Ok." she said and Charlotte led her up the stairs to Damon's bedroom, Elena saw a boy laying in his bed sprawled out like a starfish. It was dark so Elena couldn't see much but from what she did see the boy had jet black hair and ivory coloured skin.

"Damon, sweetheart this is Elena she is going to be staying with us for a while but tonight you're going to have to share a room ok?" Damon grunted and looked up from his bed.

"Mom what time is it?" He said ignoring what his mother had said. Charlotte walked Elena over to the spare bed and tucked her in, she kissed Elena's forehead.

"Goodnight Elena, Goodnight Damon." Charlotte said as she walked out of the room closing the door over but leaving it open a bit.

"Um.. goodnight Damon." Elena said quietly trying to be polite like her parents taught her, Damon turned to face Elena.

"Goodnight Elena." Damon said groggily, Elena snuggled her face into the pillow and sniffed back a sob. This was the first time Elena had gone to bed without saying goodnight and I love you to her parents. Elena felt a tear roll down onto her pillow, she tried to hold back another sob but cried a little and turned into the pillow. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

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