Chapter 7 (Final Chapter)

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A/N: On with the smut! XD *Whispers* I hate myself... lmao. This is the last chapter and I'm happy to any and all people who took the time to read this :)) Anyway on with it!

The next morning...

Elena woke up in her bed alone, she was freezing, she noticed that her clothing was replaced with a black t-shirt that was way too big for her. She stood up and swayed, she had a massive headache. She looked to the nightstand to find an Advil and water, she laughed to herself. He knows me so well. She took the Advil and chased it down with water, she smelled food.

"Damon?" She called, he didn't respond so she exited her room and walked down the huge staircase.

"Damon it's not nice to leave a lady in bed al-" she was cut off when she saw Andi cooking, Elena smirked.

"Where's Damon?" Elena asked Andi as she walked over to the bar and sat down. Andi turned holding a plate of food for Elena.

"Here." Andi said as she shoved the plate towards Elena. Elena smiled, she picked up her fork and dug in, just then Elena heard a door open and close.

"Andi, is Elena awake yet?" Elena heard Damon yell from what she assumed was the front door.

"Yes, and she's eating." Andi called back, Elena heard footsteps and then Damon walked through the doorway to the kitchen. He was wearing a work suit and tie, he rolled up the cuffs on his suit as he walked over to Elena.

"When did you leave?" Elena asked as she took another bite of food. Damon shrugged.

"Around 6, you seemed to have drifted off so I had to go take care of some work." He said as he walked up behind her, Damon rested his chin on Elena's shoulder.

"How did you sleep?" He whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Elena leaned back on Damon's shoulder.

"Good, you won't be tonight." Damon said as he nipped at Elena's ear. Andi scoffed and strutted out of the room, Damon smiled into Elena's neck.

"What was that about? I thought you and Andi were, bed buddies." Elena looked down, she was staring at her plate. Damon chuckled, Elena turned to look at him. Damon put his finger under her chin, and parted her lips with his thumb. Elena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"You'd be so much more fun." He said as he pulled away, in one swift movement Elena turned around in her chair wrapped her legs around Damon's waist and and pulled him closer to her. Damon's hands immediately went to around her waist, Elena tangled her fingers into his long raven locks and pulled his lips to hers. Elena forced her tongue into his mouth tasting every corner of him, Damon did the same, he picked her up by the ass and started walking to the stairs. Damon walked up the stairs and down the hall, Elena still had her lips locked with his, Damon could feel her heat around his lower abdomen. Elena broke for air at the same time Damon walked through his bedroom door shutting it as they continued, he set her down on his desk shoving aside papers. Elena was scrambling to undo Damon's belt buckle, Damon had already tugged off his shirt, he laughed as Elena fumbled with the belt buck. Elena pouted, Damon smiled and kissed along her neck up to her lower lip. He sucked on her lower lip, Elena pulled herself closer to him pressing her hot core against his thigh.

"So glad I came home."

Damon said in between gasps for air, Elena pulled her shirt off revealing her soft mounds of warm flesh. Damon growled in Elena's ear making her shudder she felt one of his hands come up to cup one of her breasts, he pinched her nipple rolling the stiffened flesh between his thumb and index finger.

"I'm so glad you came back."

Elena said breathlessly as Damon trailed his other hand down to her panties, he stroked her pussy over top of her panties that were now soaked. Elena tugged Damon's pants down and fiddled with his boxers, she looped her fingers inside the waistband when someone knocked on the door. Damon sighed, he picked Elena up bridal style and put her on his bed where she climbed under the covers pulling them up to her chin. Damon pulled his pants back on and opened the door just enough to see who was there.

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