Chapter 3

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A/N: Welp, enjoy..

Early the next morning....

Elena woke up wrapped in Damon's arms, this, this is bad. She thought, turning onto her other side to face the alarm clock, 1:30 am... ok still enough time to get out. She started to crawl out of Damon's grasp when he stirred. Elena froze, Damon was reaching to pull her back to his chest, she grabbed a pillow to replace herself and she crawled off the bed.

Elena grabbed the first shirt she could find and patted the floor for her underwear, when she found them she pulled them on and left his room as quietly as possible. She started to tiptoe back to her room when she heard the door behind her creak open.

"Leaving so soon?" Damon said groggily leaning in the doorway, Elena kept her eyes at his eye level as he hadn't had time to dress.

"I just, umm.. Damon it's wrong, we can't do this again." Elena started but Damon turned and walked back to his bed after half slamming the door. Elena was torn she could go back into the room or she could walk to her room and leave her best friend alone upset.

"Sorry." She whispered as she walked to her bedroom, she opened the door and walked in taking off the shirt she was wearing and realizing it wasn't hers. She unbuttoned the shirt and wrapped it up into a ball, she put her face into the center of the ball and sobbed slightly.

Back in the other room Damon was laying in bed, eyes wide open unable to go back to sleep. He wasn't supposed to get all emotional, he helped her and then they slipped up. Why did it feel so right yet it really just was so so wrong? He shook his head and closed his eyes, no matter how hard he tried he could only think about Elena she just wouldn't leave his mind.

Elena had stopped crying and was laying on her bed facing the ceiling, she couldn't stop thinking about Damon how his face looked when she said 'it's wrong.' She replayed that scene over and over while it was fresh in her mind. She finally swung her feet over the side of the bed, hopped down, got dressed and went downstairs.

Damon heard some noises on the stairs and assumed it had to be Stefan or Jeremy, he got out of bed threw on his boxers and walked out of his room to the staircase. He started down the stairs and walked into the parlour where he heard clinking and banging.

"Dammit!" Elena whispered under her breath, she closed the cabinet doors and stood up to see Damon standing across from her. She gasped, "Damon I'm sorry I didn't know you were down here I just-" He cut her off.

"Looking for those?" He said pointing at the alcohol across the room that was poorly hidden by Charlotte. Elena blushed looking down, Damon walked over to her but she started to walk across the room. Damon grabbed her arm and swung her around so she was facing him.

"We slipped up, got caught up in the moment, had a moment of weakness, whatever you call it Elena it happened!" He started angrily but with a point, "You are my best friend and I can't lose you because of a few bad decisions, I won't lose you." He said looking hurt but serious, Elena just stared at the floor.

"I want to help you, that stuff over there" he gestured to the alcohol, "that's not going to be there for you, but I will be." He said as he began to take a step towards her, Elena looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and was trapped in his gaze.

"Ok, but it just, can't happen again." Elena said moving her eyes to Damon's lips.

"I won't unless you ask for my help." He said hugging her tightly, Elena couldn't help but hug him back he was intoxicating. Damon finally broke the hug and started to move as if to sit on the couch, Elena followed sitting across from him.

"So, how did it all start?" Damon asked.

7:00 am...

They talked for hours after creating a plan to help get Elena back on track, they talked about everything discussing topics that they didn't even care about. They played would you rather, never have I ever, truth or dare, they never got bored. Eventually they had gotten hungry enough to move into the kitchen and make breakfast.

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