Chapter 6

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A/N: Enjoy :3

A week later...

Elena was sitting on her couch reading when her phone started ringing, she answered.

"Hello?" A voice asked on the end of the line,

"Damon? What's up?" She asked a little confused, he laughed a bit.

"Friends can't just call friends?" He said a little hurt, Elena shifted so she was leaning back on the couch.

"Oh no you can call whenever just I thought you had work." She said crossing and uncrossing her legs just happy to hear his voice again.

"Ya, but work is boring and I'd much prefer to hear you talk." He said, Elena could sense the tension he was making. She knew it was wrong to engage him but she just couldn't help herself.

"You mean like this." Elena half whispered half moaned into her phone, Damon growled slightly, Elena was shocked that she made him do that.

"Don't start something you can't finish." Damon purred into the phone, Elena could feel herself getting wet hearing him speak to her that way.

"Finish what?" She asked innocently into the phone, she heard Damon stifling a groan. Elena didn't know what she was getting herself into. She moaned quietly making Damon groan again she smiled to herself.

"Come to New York." Damon said, Elena was taken aback by the sudden demand.

"What?" She asked into the phone, "I don't think Andi OR Stefan would approve." She said but smiled at the fact that it would annoy Andi the slut.

"I don't give a shit about Andi she's not even my girlfriend she's just, ugh no more than a whore, and as for Stefan.. Lie." He said the words sounded like velvet, Elena wanted to run over to New York at his command but she wouldn't lie to Stefan.

"Really? I thought that you and hoe hoe hoe were a thing." Elena said relief and smugness radiating from her voice. Damon chuckled.

"Hoe hoe hoe? Really? She's just a slutty employee who gets around." He said and the two started laughing.

"I'll think about it." Elena said twirling a strand of hair on her finger like a schoolgirl.

"I promise that I'll be on my best behaviour." He was almost begging, Elena grinned to herself.

"Careful Damon, if I didn't know better I'd say you were begging." She said with a whisper. Damon scoffed,

"I don't beg, I get what I want when I want." He said whispering the last part making Elena's breathing quicken, Damon chuckled.

"I-I'll think about it." She said, knowing that she was just buying time to give a good excuse for not going.

"Okay kitten, see you this weekend." He said, pushing her to agree. Elena laughed at his persistence,

"Maybe, talk to you later Damon bye." She said not even waiting for him to reply, she knew if she listened to him for even a few more minutes she would be on a plane tonight.

Elena walked over to her kitchen space and opened the fridge she pulled out a bottle of wine and leftover steak. She picked up her phone and dialed Stefan's number, she took three deep breaths thinking about what she was about to do. You're just going to visit a friend it's no big deal. No matter how many times she repeated that to herself she just couldn't shake the voice in the back of her head telling her it was more.

She hit the call button and waited,

"Hey." Elena said when she heard the phone pick up.

"Oh, yes!" She heard some female voice say on the other line.

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