Chapter 4

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A/N: Please enjoy...


The last thing I remembered was a burning in my throat and then blackness, I couldn't open my eyes but I heard what was going on.

"She got roofied earlier, she was fine and then she just started to vomit blood." That was Damon's voice, I immediately felt calmer.

"Has she had any alcohol in the past few weeks?" A rougher male voice asked.

"Yes, and from what I know it could be quite a bit." Damon said with pain in his voice, I cringed a little I knew drinking was bad but when I heard him say it I felt worse.

"Ok well from the tests we've done and the information you've given us we will have an answer soon." The male voice responded.

"Thankyou doctor?.." Damon asked.

"Mikaelsson." the doctor responded, I heard him walk away and someone approached me. I tried to open my eyes and made some progress but my lids felt like they each weighed a thousand pounds.

"Elena, hey." Damon said as he took my hand in his and started to rub small circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. I tried to speak but I was immediately nauseous, a turned and threw up all over the floor. It was red, blood red. Damon pulled my hair away from my face, I was burning hot.

"I need a nurse!" I heard Damon yell before I laid back and shut my eyes again.

A few hours later...

Elena woke up in the hospital bed propped up with get well soon cards and balloons around, Damon was asleep in the chair beside her bed. Elena started to stand to get out of bed, but stopped when she felt something tug on her arm. Her IV was stopping her, she got back into bed and sighed.

"You could just ask for help you know." Damon said as he stretched and yawned, Elena looked over to him.

He smiled.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, Elena shrugged.

"Good I guess, all I remember is barfing up blood and then nothing." Elena said with a puzzling look. Damon sat down at the foot of her bed.

"The doctors said that you had acute gastritis, basically from all the drinking and that pill that dipshit gave you it overloaded your stomach making the lining swell and you started to vomit blood." He said repeating exactly what the doctors had told him.

"How come I keep having these gaps in my memory?" Elena asked still a little confused. Damon shrugged.

"You've been passing out or falling asleep a lot." He said, Elena just nodded her head slightly. The two sat in silence.

"I'm going back to college for a while, but I will see you around." Damon said as he gave her a quick embrace and stood to leave.

"Oh, of course." Elena said, a feeling of anger and sadness washing over her. Damon felt her mood shift, he started to walk to the door.

"Bye." He waved, she waved back and then he was gone. Elena let out a tearless sob, Charlotte walked into the room and Elena tried to get a hold of herself. He'll be back she tried to comfort herself, Charlotte was smiling she had brought in some food and a glass of water.

"The nurse will be in soon to give you your antacids, but until then I figured you might be hungry." She said handing Elena the tray.

"Oh, are you sure I should be eating this?" Elena asked remembering what Damon had said about her stomach, but the thought of his words and him no longer being here almost made her break down. Elena bit back a sob, Charlotte gave her a comforting look.

Love is a twisted thing ~ Delena FanficWhere stories live. Discover now