Chapter 5

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A/N: Enjoy my lil' sinnamon rolls

At the party that night (Lockwood Estate)...

Stefan and Elena were sitting in the limo that had picked them up,

"Ready?" Stefan asked motioning to the door. Elena took a deep breath and exhaled,

"Ready." She said as the chauffeur opened the door and the two stepped out. Elena took in all the other cars and people she didn't even know.

"Wow..." Was all she could say, Stefan and her walked into the lockwood estate and were pointed to the reserved table in the dance/ballroom. When they got in they danced for a while and then got some food from the buffet. They took their seats and noticed that they were going to be sitting across from someone else. At that moment Damon walked in, Elena was almost straining to wave to him but her heart dropped when she saw another girl on his arm. Elena just sat back into her seat and started looking around.

"You ok?" Stefan asked noticing the sudden behaviour change, Elena nodded her head once. Damon finally made it over to the table, he sat across from Stefan while his date sat across from Elena.

"Happy birthday Elena! I'm Andi nice to meet you!" The woman said extending her hand for a handshake.

"Thanks." Elena said and faked a cough then mouthed sick and Andi pulled away. Damon raised a brow in Elena's direction but dismissed it, Stefan was well on his way to becoming bestfriends with Andi.

"So Andi how did you and Damon meet?" Stefan asked, Andi looked over to Damon grinning and Damon half smiled in return.

"Well, I heard a rumour spreading about NY's big bad lawyer and had to check him out myself." She said almost drooling when she looked back at Damon. Damon just smiled a bit clearly focused on something else.

"Stefan how did you and Elena meet?" Andi asked in return. Stefan laughed a bit, Elena didn't make any comment.

"We've actually known each other almost our whole lives, been together for little over a year now." He said proudly smiling lacing his fingers into Elena's. Elena just smiled and nodded her head. Andi snuggled closer to Damon resting a hand on his thigh catching Elena's angered expression out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh well thats cute, a bit boring though if I must say myself." She said giggling, Elena's blood boiled just looking at the fucking whore.

"Damon is always sending me to the nicest places and I get to go on the most amazing trips for work." Andi continued noticing when Elena balled her hands into fists and her knuckles turned white. Damon looked at her cocking an eyebrow, Elena unclenched her fists. Andi grinned seeing how this annoyed Elena, something had clearly gone down between them.

"Oh and Elena," Andi lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned closer to Elena, "truly amazing in bed." Andi giggled.

"Shut up." Elena mumbled to the cheap hoe.

"What was that doll?" Andi asked sweetly trying to engage her, "You want me to repeat that?" Andi smiled.

Elena couldn't listen to that filthy trash anymore,

"Enjoy my sloppy seconds bitch! That's what I said, because no matter where he takes you or where he fucks you I bet he's thinking of me!" She yelled, all eyes turned to their table, Andi stood, Elena slammed a fist into the table, stood and left for the backyard, Stefan just sat there stunned. Damon stood and followed after her, Andi just gaped. When Damon got to the back porch he found Elena picking off the petals of a flower, he sat down beside her and saw the mascara running on her face. She looked to him and he cupped her face with his hand.

"I didn't know you felt that way, how long have you felt like that?" He asked slightly cocking his head to the left, Elena shook her head and rested her forehead on his shoulder. Damon started to brush through her hair with his hands, Elena finally seemed to have calmed down.

"I'm sorry I'm just really emotional and I think I need to just get home." She said as she stood up and started walking around the outside of the house back to the parking lot. Damon noticed the outfit she was wearing and how emotionally wrecked she was, he had half a mind to go with her.

"Let me drive you back, I'm headed that way anyway." He said quickly just wanting to spend more time with her.

"Sure, why not." Elena said as he stood and walked over to her, they linked arms and walked to Damon's car.

"Damn you still have this old thing?!" Elena yelled as she took in his blue camaro, she noticed that it was exactly the way she remembered it.

"Yea, I found it in the garage and took it to a car wash." Damon said laughing, Elena climbed into the passenger side and Damon got into the driver's side. After about twenty or so minutes, Elena started to drift off she leaned against Damon and fell asleep. When Damon arrived at Elena's apartment he took out his phone expecting a billion messages from Stefan. None. He opened his me texts to Stefan and wrote,

D - Took Elena home she wasn't feeling well. She's sleeping now.

S - Oh good, Andi is drunk so I'm taking her back to your hotel.

D - K

S - C you later I'm crashing at your hotel.

D - Ok.

Damon put his phone away and carried Elena into her apartment, he then put her in her bedroom and tucked her in. He started to leave and just before he got to the door he heard a sob, he kept walking. Damon got in his car and drove to his hotel, he walked through the front doors to see Stefan and Caroline at the front desk. Silently he walked to the stairwell avoiding whatever they were up to, he walked up the stairs his blood boiling and then walked into his room. He kicked his shoes off and ripped his tie from his neck, Andi stirred and looked over to him.

"What's wrong hun?" She asked groggily, Damon didn't answer her he just leaned on the window trying to get his anger under control.

"Come here." Andi said sneaking up behind him wrapping her arms around him, he grabbed her wrists and practically dragged her to the bed. He threw her on the bed she was grinning, he wanted to rip her to pieces for picking at Elena earlier.

"Get your shit and get out." He said as he started throwing her clothes at her, Andi was taken aback.

"I thought we were sharing a room tonight." Andi said as she pulled on her pants and top. She crawled to the end of the bed and pressed up against him.

"You can't turn me away now." Andi said pulling him in with the collar on his dress shirt, Damon leaned in to kiss her but instead he grabbed her waist and picked her up off the bed and set her on the floor.

"Get out." He said as he began to undo his dress shirt, Andi sat down on the couch and crossed her legs.

"Make me." She said smiling. Damon stopped walked over grabbed her wrists and held them above her head Andi moaned quietly, Damon didn't give a shit. He dragged her to the door opened it and threw her out, she landed on the floor with a thud and he slammed his door. He pulled out his phone to Stefan's number, when it went straight to voicemail he sighed,

"Hey Stefan, I know you're most likely doing something you'll regret later but I wanted you to know I'm leaving tonight tell Elena. K thanks bye." He ended the call packed up his stuff and left the hotel without even checking out.

A/N: So I know this chapter was short but... yea I have no excuse XD..

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