Chapter 5

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Boris's POV

I stayed in the supply closet for the rest of the day. I dozed off thinking of bendy again.

Boris's thoughts.... or a past life...

I was walking down the side walk, on my phone till I bumped into someone. We both fell on our butts. "Owie! S- sorry sir!" The person spoke. They seemed to be a young teenager about my age. I looked up and I was greeted with the same beautiful onyx eyes, I can't forget. He looked like he was a demon of shorts. He wore grey glasses. "No no! It's my fault! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said as I got up and held my hand out to help him up. He hesitated to take my hand but took it anyhow. "T-thanks mister..." he said. "Boris, just call me Boris. And you may be?" I asked smiling. "It's b-bendy, mister b-Boris." He stuttered. "You don't have to say mister, just call me Boris." I said.

"Okay" bendy said. "Where you off to?" I asked. "I'm off to see the magical wizard" he joked. I couldn't but laugh. He started laughing to. His laughs and giggles are so cute. "But actually I'm off to dance class." he said. Catching my breath I asked "you dance?". "Yup! I love dancing. But today is where we do a slow dance and have a partner. I sadly do not have one. Everyone ones mean to me. They said I dance terribly." He said and started to wipe tears away. I felt sad. Someone as cute as him shouldn't be treated badly. "I may not know how to dance, nor am I enrolled into a dance class, but I wouldn't mind dancing with you" I said.

His eyes lit up. "R-really?" He asked. "Of course! Heheh your too sweet to be alone" I said. His frown turned into a small smile. "If you'd really want to, I can enroll you myself, I'm old enough to do that." He said. My ears perked up. I agreed, Signaling I would like to know how to dance. And with that he took me to his dance class and enrolled me. "Alright! Everyone partner up! Time for da slow dance!" The teacher said. She had thick accent. But we did what she said. Me and bendy partner together. Though it may seem weird because we're both boys, but I didn't really care.

Other girls tried to ask me to be their partner but I refused, I really only came here so bendy wouldn't be alone. The teacher showed us a video of what slow dancing looked like, she then told us to mimic the video's slow dancing and left it to us. Bendy being the shorter and less dominant one took the roll of the I guess female partner. I took the lead. I placed my hands on his hips, just like the video showed. Bendy placed his hands on my shoulders. I was nervous, bendy obviously noticed. And whispered "everything is fine, just pretend no ones here besides me and you."

I did as he said and it worked... everything just seemed to disappear and left me and bendy. He took on the first move and started swaying left to right slowly. I followed his movements just like the video showed. Bendy hummed a toon and rested his head on my chest. I rested my head on Bendy's. We started to move around, Slowly. "I'm glad I met you Borisy... I hope you don't mind me calling you that" he said. "I am to, and call me whatever you want to" I said as we continued to dance.

End of thought/ past life...

The demon and the wolf (Basically borendy) {read summary, important msg.}Where stories live. Discover now