Chapter 15

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Bendy's POV

"Here ya go bendy" said Boris as he handed me a plate of waffles. "You remembered my favorite breakfast..." I said starting to eat. "Of course I would. If I had to be honest... I... never stopped thinking of you when you were gone" he said as he sat next to me, while he was eating waffles. He sighed "when you got kidnapped, I was devastated. We told the police about what had happened on that terrible day. We describe what he looked like, what he sounded like. But after a year of searching... the dubbed you missing forever. they checked the whole town. So as the years progressed I feel into depression. I tried cutting myself... but I was caught all the time so I gave up on that." Boris explained.

I was crying... who knows what would have happened if he didn't have his parents or his friends. "I also kept blaming myself for your loss. If I hadn't tripped you would have never got taken away... I-I'm sorry." He said crying. I hugged him. "Don't beat your self up. And no need to be sorry... isn't the future that counts now? Shouldn't you forget what happened 5 years ago?" I asked. He brought me out of my seat and onto his lap. He held me close. I blushed a bit but hugged back anyhow. "Your right... the past is in the past now... and all that matters right now is your back with me again" he said hugging me closer. I felt butterflies go threw my stomach. But I liked the feeling.

I broke apart the hug and brought my right hand to his face. I rested my hand omg the side of his snout. He held my hand and nuzzles his face into my palm. "And this time I'm staying by your side... I'm not going to leave you again" I said while using my thumb to wipe away tears. Boris blushed a bit, I also noticed his tail was wagging. He was happy I'm back with him. Then we heard a knock on the front door. He sat me down back in my seat and I continued to eat my waffles. I never noticed how hungry I was till I ate all of my waffles. "Hey Boris! Thought I come to see if you were still around heheh" a females voice said. "Yeah I'm still here..." Boris said sounding a bit annoyed. "Anyways may I come in?" The girl asked. I was a bit nervous so I did the logical thing, I fell out of my seat and scurried under behind a sofa.

"What was that?" The girls voice asked. "Oooooh... riiiight" Boris spoke realizing that I was scared to meet new people. I stayed hidden. I heard footsteps come towards my spot. "Bendy it's okay, she won't bite. She's one of my friends." Boris said. I nodded and crawled out. But I remember I had patches on me so I backed away. Boris looked confused then he realized why I backed away. "Hold on" he said and walked away. I heard a slight conversation go on, the Boris walked back. "Okay she promises not to judge" he said and held out his hand. I took it and he led me to the dining room. "Alice this is bendy, don't you remember him?" Boris asked. Alice... sounds familiar. Alice looked up and gasped.

She ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders. I let out a yelp because my shoulders still hurt like heck. "OH MY LORD!?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" said as she shook me. I couldn't help but cry. The shaking and her grip on my shoulders hurts. "A-Alice! Stop your hurting him!" Boris said as he got Alice to release her grip on me. I fell to my knees and held my shoulders. "B-bendy are y-you okay!?" Boris said while he got down on his knees. I was sobbing. I felt something trickle from my shoulders and down my arm. I looked threw my teary eyes. The wounds on my shoulders had re-opened and blood started to fall to the ground. "O-oh gosh! Wh-what did I d-do" Alice said. "You re-opened his shoulders wound, and now it starting to trickle down to the ground." Boris said while bringing me into a hug.

The demon and the wolf (Basically borendy) {read summary, important msg.}Where stories live. Discover now