Part 1

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"The world's greatest detective, and you still haven't figured it out? Life's just a game Batman... And this time, you lose."
-Red Hood

a/n: Jason Todd is Arkham Knight in this story.

y/n pov

I'm at Team RWBY's dorm, angered at what I'm hearing.

Weiss: I love you Neptune.

Those words hurt me like a knife to a heart.

Neptune: What about y/n?

Weiss: What about him?

Neptune: What will he do when he finds out?

Weiss: He won't.

Then thw rest of Team RWBY walked up to me.

Ruby: Hey y/n.

Yang: What are you doing in front of our dorm?

I just kicked the door open.

Yang: What's your prob-

She stopped when she saw Weiss and Neptune in bed together.

Weiss: It's not what it looks like.

y/n: Then tell me why Neptune is in bed with you!

Weiss just sat there, as for Neptune, he's walking up to me, trying to look tough.

Neptune: Leave us alone or I'll-

y/n: Or what! You going to tell Weiss to protect you.

Neptune tried punch me, but I caught it and snap his wrist. He then started yelling in pain. I just uppercut him and knocked him out.

y/n: Your lucky I didn't kill him.

I then left.


I'm patrolling around Vale, in my Robin outfit. I was alone because Bruce went elsewhere to help Dick with his problem. I then saw Roman Torchwick, I followed him into a warehouse. When I entered, I blacked out.


Roman tied y/n to a chair.

Roman: This will send everyone a message. Neo start rolling.

Neo started rolling a live video to everyone in Vale.

Roman: Hello people of Vale, I'm Roman Torchwick and I have a special guests, the bird wonder, Robin!

Roman moved out of the to show a beat up Robin.

Roman: We all really want to know who the caped crusaders of Vale.

Roman walked towards Robin and remove his mask to reveal y/n.

At Ozpin's office

Ozpin: Qrow, go find where this signal is coming from and bring y/n back.

Qrow: On it.

At Team RWBY'S dorm, they are watching the live footage, shocked that y/n is Robin.

Back at warehouse

Roman: Some of you may know him, some not. And I don't really know who he is and don't really care at all. But one thing you all should know that this boy is going to die, and the one who is going to kill him is-

Joker: Me, the Joker! That's right everyone, I'm back.

Everyone all around Vale and Beacon is shocked and scared to see the Joker. The Joker started to laugh, then the live footage ended.

Joker: Now shoo, I want to start my fun time.

Roman and Neo left as the Joker grabbed a crowbar and started hitting y/n with it.


It felt like hours as the Joker been hitting y/n with a crowbar. Joker got board and walked towards the door and started leaving.

(a/n: the first person who know where the next line from the Joker came from will be tagged in my next part.)

Joker: Okay kiddo, I gotta go. It's been fun though right? Well, maybe smidge more fun for me than you. I'm just guessing since your being awful quiet. Anyway, be a good boy, finish your homework, and be in bed by nine. And hey! Please tell the big man I said... Hello.

Joker then left. Meanwhile Qrow is running towards the warehouse y/n is at. After awhile, y/n finally got up and struggles to walk towards the door. When y/n reached the door, he tried opening it but he was locked inside. y/n sat down and took deep breaths, until he heard ticking from a bomb. y/n look towards the noise to see it was a bomb. As soon Qrow reached the ware house, it exploded.

Qrow: No!

Qrow ran in and tried to find y/n but found nothing.

Qrow: (Where is he?)


Everyone at Beacon and the Bat Family went to y/n's funeral. But what everyone didn't notice was that a man in a red metallic mask was watching the funeral from afar.

y/n: (This the end of Robin and the beginning of Red Hood.)

To be continued...

Cheater Weiss x Male Red Hood ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now