Part 7

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a/n: Ruby will be Batwoman and Yang is Batgirl.

y/n pov

I was in the Batcave along with Cinder, Emerald, Neo, Emily, and Mercury. I see Barbara at the Batcomputer in a wheelchair. I also Yang in a batgirl uniform training with Jason and Tim. We were following Bruce, Damien, and Ruby, who is wearing a Batwoman outfit. I have my mask and hood off. Cinder and the others knew I was Red Hood for a few years now.

???: Well if it isn't Red Hood and the Outlaws.

I turn to see Dick.

Dick: How's it going y/n?

y/n: Decent. How about you Dick? Still dating that alien chick?

Dick: Yup.

Yang: y/n?!

Yang run up to me and gave me a hug.

Yang: I missed you so much.

y/n: Good to see you too.

Yang let go of me and I turned to Bruce.

y/n: So what is this about? I left Vale 2 years ago, the second I came back, you want me here, despite the shit I did.

Bruce: It's Ra's and the League of Assassins.

Emily: Who are they?

y/n: They are a group of some of the most dangerous assassins in the world. Ra's al Ghul is the leader of the group of assassins and also the reason both me and Jason are still alive.

Bruce: Two years ago, after the death of Weiss and Team SSSN, their bodies were replaced by dummies. I have a feeling that this is Ra's doing.

Cinder: You're telling us this why?

Bruce: So I can tell y/n to don't try to kill them again.

y/n: Killing them once is good enough for me Bruce. If that's the only reason why you want me to be here, I'll go.

I started to walk off.

Bruce: y/n!

I just ignored him and walked off.


I'm on a roof top of a building, as I heard footsteps behind me. I pulled my gun out and turned around to see Ruby and Yang.

Yang: Easy y/n. It's just us.

y/n: You need to work on your stealth.

I put my gun back its holster.

y/n: Where's Blake?

Ruby: She left a year ago to fight the White Fang herself.

Yang: Why did you come back.

y/n: I have unfinished business with the Joker. Why are you here?

Ruby: We just want to talk.

y/n: About what? Weiss? My version of justice? I'm not one of Bruce's sidekicks anymore.

Ruby: y/n...

I saw a group of criminals breaking into a bank.

y/n: We could continue this conversation later.

3rd Person pov

5 criminals broke into the safe, getting all the money.

Man 1: Hurry up and get all of the money for the boss before Batman gets here!

Then all of the sudden, he got shot from the back of his legs, causing him to fall.

y/n: He's the least of your worries.

Man 2: Get him!

y/n shot one guy in the head, before dodging a swing from a bat. He continues dodging till he blocked with one of his guns, shooting the man in the head with the other gun. As the man fell to the floor, lifeless, the last guy try to run away, fearing for his life, only to meet a punch from Yang. y/n walked towards the guy he shot in the legs to see he's trying to crawl away. y/n stepped on his back, stopping him.

y/n: Who do you work for?

Man: I don't know. He always wear a mask. We don't know who he is. That's all I know.

y/n: Guess you're useless to me then.

y/n pointed a gun to his head.

Yang: y/n! Wai-

y/n shot the guy in the head.

Yang: What the hell is wrong with you!?

y/n: Look at them.

Ruby and Yang look at the criminals to see the blood wasn't blood, but oil.

y/n: They were never alive in the first place.

y/n walked past them, only for Yang to stop him.

Yang: What if they were humans?

y/n: If they're killers, they'll be dead.

y/n used his grapple and left Ruby and Yang. Unknown to them, they were watched by an assassin in white, along with another assassin.

Assassin 1: Ruby... Yang...

Assassin 2: You're getting your memory back I see. Just remember, no matter what, you're now part of the League of Assassins, Weiss Schnee.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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