Part 2

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"That looks its gotta hurt. Well, I say that like I'm speculating or something. I know it hurts."
-Jason Todd

a/n: The first person who got the correct answer was Desert-wanderer. I'm going to add more parts from Batman: Under the Red Hood with some additional parts in between. Salem will be involved later in the story.

3rd person pov

A few months since the assumed death of y/n. It was night in Vale and somewhere in Vale, there was a meeting for criminals. Including Roman. With him is Neo.

Leon: The hell you said? You didn't set this up? Then who's party is this?

Freddie: I thought it was you East side losers who already rolled over for the Black Mask, and I figured that you're gonna ask us in.

Tyler: Roll over? The Mask whacked six of my crew with a mug. Six! Some of my best people.

Leon: So you set up this meet?

Tyler: Nah, I thought it was Chi Chi.

Chi Chi: It wasn't my meet.

Freddie: Ah, the hell with this, I'm going. You brain donors want to hang around-

???: Sit down Freddie. Its my meeting.

Everyone look up to see a figure.

Roman: It's him.

Leon: Batman!?

Tyler: We didn't do nothin'.

The figure walked closer to reveal that it wasn't Batman, but a man in a red mask.

y/n: Well we all know that's a lie.

Neo pov

Chi Chi: Who the hell are you.

Everyone started pointing his guns at the guy in the red mask.

Roman: Smoke him!

The guy started shooting at the table, everyone got onto the floor.

???: I said sit down!

Roman: You want to die!? Easier ways to kill yourself!

???: Yeah like yelling at a guy who's holding a AK-47. Listen to me you drug petaling scumbags. I'll be running the drug and dust trade from now on. You eight are the most prosperous street dealers in Vale. I'm offering you morons a deal. You go about your business as usual, but kick up 40% to me. That's a much sweeter deal than the scraps that Black mask is leaving you. And in return you'll have total protection from both Black Mask and Batman. But you stay away from kids in school yards. No dealing to children! Got it! If you do, your dead.

Leon: Okay crazy man, this is very generous, but why the should we listen to you?

The man then tossed a bag down onto the table. Everyone hesitated to open it. Soon Leon opened it to reveal the bag was full of heads.

Tyler: Damn.

Neo: (How did he even found the time to do all of this?)

???: Those are the heads of all yor lieutenants, well not Roman's. That took me two hours. You want to see what I can get done in a whole evening? Make no mistake! I'm not asking you to kick in with me, I'm telling you.

He then started shooting the bag, causing everyone to get down onto the ground. When we all looked up, he was gone.

Freddie: 40% works with me.

Roman: Same here.

Neo: (Who was he?)

y/n pov

It's been a few weeks since the meeting. I know that I could just kill Roman for what he did to me. But I have use for him. And speak of the devil, Roman walked in the hideout, along with Neo and a few other people.

Roman: Hello Mr. Red Hood. I have someone who wants to join your gang.

I look at the three and to my surprise it was students I know at the academy.

Cinder: Hello Red Hood, my name is-

y/n: Cinder Fall, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai.

Emerald: How did you-

y/n: Know who you three are. Lets just say I have my ways. So why would I let you join my gang?

Cinder: We are allied with the White Fang.

y/n: And how is this suppose to be helpful? Fine you can join.


Me, Roman, and some members of the White Fang went to the docks to steal some dust. Some of the White Fang members are grabbing boxes of dust and loading it onto seperate moving trucks.

Roman: Hurry up everyone! Do you want Batman to catch us!

y/n: With your loud mouth, Batman will find us.

I look around and see something moving in the shadows.

y/n: Okay everyone, it's time to go!

Everyone went into the trucks. I just get into a fighting position. A female member of the White Fang, a wolf faunus.

Wolf faunus: What about you?

y/n: I'm fine.

She just walked up next to me.

y/n: What are you doing?

Wolf faunus: I want to help.

y/n: Fine. What's your name?

Emily: My name is Emily.

Just then Team RWBY appeared in front of us.

3rd person pov

y/n: I was suspecting for Batman.

Ruby: And we were suspecting Roman.

Blake: Not one of his goons.

y/n: You think I work for him? You got mixed up, he works for me.

Weiss: Then why are you here?

y/n: I wanted a reunion with an old friend. (Well this counts as a reunion.)

Weiss: With who?

y/n: Your a Schnee, right.

Weiss: Yes, why?

y/n: I don't like Schnee's.

y/n then threw smoke bombs at them. y/n charged at Weiss with a knife in hand, trying to kill her. Before he stabbed her, someone grabbed y/n's wrist. When the smoke cleared up, it revealed that Batman saved Weiss.

y/n: (Well if it isn't Bruce)

y/n dropped his knife and caught it in the other hand and cut Batman's waist. y/n then kicked him away. Then the new Robin, Damien tried to attack y/n, only for him to be thrown towards the girls.

y/n: Emily!

Emily: Yes sir?

y/n: You take care of Robin, I'll fight the other five.

Emily: Right.

y/n: Now let's get started.

To be continued...

a/n: I'm sorry to stop it right here. I'm going to make another story soon. A Soul Eater male reader insert. Choices are

(Naruto) Hatake

(DC) Nightwing

(Marvel) Deadpool


(Fairy Tail) Dragon Slayer

Cheater Weiss x Male Red Hood ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now