Part 6

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"You only live twice"
-Red Hood, Injustice 2

y/n pov

I finally returned to Vale after 2 years, along with Cinder, Neo, Emily, Emerald, and Mercury.

Mercury: What's the plan?

y/n: You guys go to the old hideout and make sure it's good enough to live in. If not, look around

Emily: What about you?

y/n: I'm gonna pay a visit to an old friend.


3rd Person pov

Roman was in his office in a warehouse on the phone.

Roman: What do you mean I can't have anymore of your goons Junior?

Junior: [Every time I lend you some of my goons, they end up either with broken bones or in jail, most of the time both!]

Roman: What if I give you twice as much money for the same amount of goons?

Junior: [No! If you want someone to work for you, go to the streets and stop calling me! I'm expecting my men to be back by tomorrow!]

All of the sudden, there was a huge explosion, causing Junior's men to fly in the air, killing most of them. Roman looked out the window to see what happened.

Roman: (He's not gonna be happy about that.)

Junior: [What was that!?]

Roman: I'll have to call you back.

Roman then hung up. He then turn around to receive a right hook, causing Roman to fall towards the desk, face first. His head was slammed to the desk, causing his face to be bloodied. He was then thrown across the desk. He got up and look to see his old boss, Red Hood.

Roman: Shit...

y/n walked towards Roman.

Roman: H-hey, like the new look. Neo still working for you?

Roman tried to stab y/n with a knife, only for y/n to grab his arm and break it. y/n then grabbed Romans neck and lifted him up.

y/n: Where's the Joker?

Roman: I don't know, he's been gone for months. The only person who would know where he is his bitch, Harley Quinn.

y/n: That so?

Roman: Yea. You gonna let me go?

y/n: No. Tonight Roman, you die.

y/n threw Roman to the ground and broke Roman's legs with his crowbar.

Roman: Fuck! Wait! Wait! Why do you want to kill me!?

y/n took of his hood and mask to reveal who he is. Roman was shocked.

Roman: You can't be fu-

Before Roman could continue, y/n pulled out his gun and shot him in the head, killing him.

y/n was starting to leave warehouse. When he got outside, he saw Bruce, Damien, and Ruby. They were all shocked to see me. y/n got prepared for a fight, but was tackled by Ruby.

Ruby: You're finally back! I missed you so much!

y/n: (This is not how I thought this would happen. Especially I killed her teammate 2 years ago.) Hey Ruby?

Bruce: Why are you back y/n?

y/n: I have unfinished business with the Joker. Tbh, I'm surprised that you're not taking me in for the death of Weiss and Team SSSN.

Bruce: I would, but...

y/n: But?

Bruce: Their bodies were replaced by dummies.

y/n: Ras'...

Bruce: Most likely.

y/n: What's next?

Bruce: Come back to the Batcave. We missed you y/n.

y/n thought about it before answering.

y/n: I will, but under one condition.

Bruce: Name it.

To be continued...

a/n: I stay true to my word, despite being sick the past 2 days, so I didn't work on it much. Let me know what you think , what you want to happen the in the next part and/or future parts.

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