Part 4 (Fixed)

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"Ain't no grave can hold my body down."
-Jason Todd

a/n: Sorry for the long update. Seems like harem won, no surprise there. What really surprised me was that some people voted for Emily. Pyrrha is going to be part of the harem.

y/n pov

I scheduled a meeting for my gang. Well most of my gang which is Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Roman, Neo and Emily. But for some reason Adam.

Cinder: Hope you don't mind if we have guest joining us.

y/n: It doesn't really matter.

Roman: So what's the plan?

y/n: The plan is tonight, 6 of you are going to split up in three different teams. Neo and Emily are going to Juniors to get information on future shipments.

Emily: Got it.

y/n: Cinder and Emerald, the two of you are going to the docks, either steal or destroy any of Black Mask's shipments, I highly recommend you steal because it might give us an advantage.

Cinder: Okay.

y/n: Mercury and Adam, you two will lead an attack of some of the best White Fang members against one of Black Mask's warehouses.

Emily: What about you?

y/n: I'm going to steal a shipment from his hideout. Any questions?

Roman: Yes their is, what am I going to do?

y/n: How about you go with Mercury and Adam.

3rd person pov

Over at y/n's grave, their is a group of girls visiting his grave. The girls are RBY, Pyrrha, Coco and Velvet. Unknown to them. Their were people watching him.

Dick: They come here everyday after his death.

Bruce: I know, any of them could've been a better choice then that Schnee girl. Got any word from Jason?

Dick: Yeah, he said he's on his way. Probably be here in a day or two.

Bruce and Dick walked towards y/n's grave. When they arrived, the girls were shocked to see Bruce Wayne visiting y/n's grave. Bruce then put down some flowers on his grave, stayed there for awhile.

Bruce: (I'm sorry I wasn't there for you y/n)

Bruce then started to leave.

Bruce: Come on Dick.

Dick: Right.


It's now dark in Vale. Bruce and Dick went to Black Mask's tower as Batman and Nightwing, thinking it's where he strike next. And they were right.

(Can't describe the chace so watch the video above.)

At the Batcave.

Damien: Was he there?

Dick: I have a broken leg, what do you think.

Barbara: While you guys were away, Teams RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY arrived.

Bruce: What do they want?

Barbara: They want answers.

Short Timeskip

Bruce arrived in the living room where the 3 teams are at.

Bruce: Is their something you want?

Ruby: Yes their is.

Yang: We want to know if your Batman?

Bruce: What make you say that?

Pyrrha: You visit his grave when we were there.

Velvet: And that picture of you and y/n over there.

Velvet points to a picture of Bruce and y/n. Everyone look towards the picture. Then Dick walked in with crutches.

Dick: They deserve the truth Bruce, well except Weiss.

Bruce then sighed.

Bruce: Sit down and I'll tell you everything.

Bruce started telling them that he is Batman and how he met y/n and how y/n becomes Robin.

Meanwhile at y/n's hide out. y/n arrived and got off his motorcycle and walked into his hideout to see everyone was already back.

y/n: Was your missions a success?

Everyone nodded.

Emily: What's next?

y/n: For now everyone could rest.

y/n then walked into his room. He didn't know that the girls followed him, until he turned around to see them.

y/n: What do you girls want?

Neo then hold up a note that says "We want to know if we can sleep with you tonight". Causing y/n to blush under his helmet.

y/n: Sure you girls can sleep with me tonight.

y/n and the girls got on his bed and cuddle up to each other and soon fell asleep.

Meanwhile at Wayne Manor. Each member of the 3 teams were surprised to find out that Bruce Wayne was Batman.

Bruce: I hope you can keep my secret.

Ruby: Don't worry we will.

Alfred: Master Bruce, since they know your secret now, maybe they can help you and the others take in the Red Hood.

Bruce: You're right Alfred, So do you want to help us with the Red Hood.

To be continued...

I know some you guys want to be paired up with Salem or Glynda Goodwitch. I'm going to make 2 more stories where you can be paired up with them.

Cheater Weiss x Male Red Hood ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now