Part 3

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"You can't stop crime, that's what you never understood. I'm controlling it. You want to rule them by fear, but what do you do with the ones who aren't afraid? I'm doing what you won't. I'm taking them out!"
-Red Hood

3rd person pov

(Play song)

y/n charged at the five. Ruby tried to hit his legs. y/n jumped over the scythe and kicked Ruby. Blake and Yang tried to attack at once, y/n just grabbed both of their wrists and slam them into each other. Weiss charged y/n, he dodged and kneed her in the gut, picked her up by the neck and throw her to a shipping container. y/n pulled out his guns and started shooting at Batman. Batman just hid behind a few crates.

y/n: (This will get him out of hiding)

y/n then pulled out a grenade and threw it at the crate. Batman quickly got away from it before the gernade explodes. y/n flipped the guns over so that he is holding the barrel and use it as a melee. y/n charged at Batman and tried to hit him, but Batman either dodge or block it. After a few seconds Batman knocked the guns out of y/n's hands. y/n then pulled out a knife. Team RWBY just watched them, waiting for an opening. Soon Weiss charged in trying to stab y/n only for y/n to break her arm.

RBY: Weiss!!!

Yang charged at y/n. y/n ran towards his guns and picked them up and shot Yang in the left leg and right shoulder. Blake charged at him and tried to hit him. y/n kept dodging. y/n leg sweep Blake, causing her to fall to the ground. y/n aimed his gun towards Blake. Before he shot her, a escrima stick knocked his gun out of his hand (Stop music). y/n turned towards where the escrima stick came from to see Nightwing with Red Robin and Batgirl.

Batman: Why are you here?

Nightwing: Thought you might need help.

Batman: I can handle it.

Nightwing: Yeah, having a girl almost killed is handling it.

y/n: (Might as well leave now) Emily!

Emily ran towards y/n.

Emily: Yes sir?

y/n: We're leaving.

Emily: Right.

y/n threw a smoke bomb to the ground. When the smoke cleared up, they were gone.

Dick/Nightwing pov

Bruce: Damn.

Dick: So we got another Red Hood.

Bruce: That's right.

Dick: That's just great.

???: I can't believe fought alongside Batman!

I turned to see some of y/n's friends and his ex. Ruby was the only one who was excited.

Bruce: Why are you four here?

Ruby: Well we thought we were going to find Roman and-

Bruce: And stop him.

Ruby: Yes.

Bruce: And why do you think you four can stop him?

Ruby: Because we're huntresses-

Bruce: In training. You four shouldn't be here. Robin, Batgirl, and Red Robin go to the batcave. Nightwing, come with me.

Dick: Fine.

Yang: Who are you, other than Batman?

Bruce: Why should I tell you?

Blake: Because we were friends with y/n.

Bruce then left.

Dick: He is still sad about y/n's death.

I then followed Bruce.

Timeskip 3rd person pov

y/n and Emily arrived back at there hideout.

Roman: So you managed to get away from them?

y/n: I'm here, aren't I.

Roman: So what's next?

y/n: Tomorrow I am going to steal some of Black Masks weapons shipment. But for now I'm going to rest.

y/n went to his room and locked the door behind him. He then took off his mask and went to bed.

To be continued...

a/n: The winner for the Soul Eater story is Male Hatake Reader. I'm going to make a Sinon x Male Reader story, any suggestions for the crossover? If not, then it's going to be a regular story.

Cheater Weiss x Male Red Hood ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now