Part 5

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"You don't think I understand what it's like to be abounded? Forgotten? To be the Robin nobody trust?"
-Red Hood

a/n: I will be skipping a bunch of scenes from the movie to the fight between Batman and Red Hood. The fight between Red Hood and Batman will be shorten.

Jason's pov

I have finally arrived at Vale. But before I go to Bruce, I want to see he is the new Red Hood. I went to the docks to see members of the White Fang stealing cargo from the Black Mask.

Jason: This guy had the same idea that I had when I was Red Hood.

Just then I was kicked down to the ground and crashed into some boxes. I looked where I was to see who I was kicked by to see the new Red Hood.

Red Hood: Well if it isn't Arkham Knight. I've mistaken you for the bat.

He then jumped down and landed on the ground in front of me.

???: What do you want us to do sir?

Red Hood: Emily, you and the others go back to base. I'll join you later.

Emily: Okay. Come on! Let's go!

I stood up and walked towards him.

Jason: Nice outfit. It reminded me of the time that I was Red Hood.

Red Hood: How about the time you were Robin? Jason.

My eyes widened, shock that he knows who I am. He probably knows who-

Red Hood: I also know about Bruce, Barbra, Tim, Dick, Damien, and even Alfred. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone.

Jason: How?! Who are you?!

Red Hood: Let's just say, I know things through experience.

I know who he is. I thought he was dead.

Jason: y/n...

Red Hood: He's dead now. There is only Red Hood, and Weiss and Neptune will die!

Timeskip, 3rd person pov (a/n: No fight scene yet, saving it for later.)

y/n walked away while Jason was on the ground, knocked out. Unknown to him. Someone was there, shocked to find out the truth.

Emily: I can't believe it.

At the Wayne Manor

Ruby, Yang, Blake and Teams JNPR and CFVY is being trained by Dick (Who is still using crutches), Barbra, Tim, and Damien. Weiss was forced to go back to Beacon because Bruce is still pissed about what she did to y/n. Bruce is checking the bat computer, trying to find where Jason is.

Bruce: Strange...

Alfred: What is it, master Bruce?

Bruce: It seems like Jason is at the docks. But he is not responding to his phone.

Alfred: Do you think master Jason is in trouble?

Bruce: I'll go check.

Short Timeskip

Bruce arrived to where Jason is and see him on the ground. He ran over to him, worried.

Bruce: He's still alive. Good.

Bruce put Jason in the passenger seat of the batmobile and drove off to the batcave. When he arrived, he carried Jason to the infirmary room of the batcave. Nobody except Dick saw Bruce carrying Jason.

Dick: (At least he is still alive)

At y/n's hideout

y/n arrived to see it's empty.

Cheater Weiss x Male Red Hood ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now