Chapter 5

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Two and a half days later...
My p.o.v
We made it to my house. I am so happy. We went out to buy grocery's for the house today. We also went out looking for a job and car for Brandon. He found many jobs he'd have a chance of getting but I made him really look at the ones that paid good. "Okay, okay. I'll do some of these but I just decided what my career will be, a football player. I'm really good at it." I looked at him like he was the craziest person in the world.

"I'm not having my fiancé get hurt before our wedding day and I'm certainly not ever letting you get hurt. When football players get injured, they could be injured permanently. I won't risk that. Imagine you're a father that can't walk or can't use his arms or something else and your trying to teach your little baby boy or girl to walk and I'm working. You won't be able to. That won't work for me." I said crying.

"Find a different career. I love you to much to lose you or see you get hurt." He got up and held me. "If it really means that much to you, I won't do football. Especially if it means I get to have kids with you and teach them how to walk. I understand how you feel now. I understand how bad football is. But it's so entertaining. To watch. Just know I'm not going to risk leaving you or something else that means something leaving you to go some where else." He said.

"I love you. You understand things and care for me. You love me for who I am. I can't wait until we're married. And just like any couple, we'll have wonderful love on the night we're married." I said wiping my tears. "So protection on that night or-" I cut him off. "No protection. Just sex except this time you can actually fill my holes with your cream rather then a condom." I said smiling.

"Why can't we be married today so I can do that now?" He said grabbing me and pulling me closer to him. "Nobody said we have to wait until then." I kissed him and pulled him over to the couch. "Our second time doing this together but in my house. I like it." I said. "Shhhhh." He put his finger on my lips and he pulled off his shirt and did the same to me.

Brandon's p.o.v
I was going to take her right then and there and then the phone rang.

"Hi. Is this Brandon?"
"Yes. Who is this?"
"This is Kristin Moore. You called about a job working as a mechanic. We have an opening and I'd would like you to start Monday. Will that work?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"No problem. Have a nice day."
"You to."

That was that. I got a job. I got off of Layla and started heading towards the bedroom to sleep. Then I checked what time it was. "3:30 in the afternoon. I can't sleep right now." I said to myself. I went back in the living room and saw the front door wide open. I went outside and saw Layla with the moving truck man. Whatever you call them. They were bringing in the stuff so I went to help to.

By the time everything was unpacked and put away, it was 2:47 in the morning. We just slept on the couch we were so tired. She fell off and woke me up making us go to the bedroom to sleep. I didn't mind. She had a huge bed and her dog slept at the end because Layla wouldn't allow Mudpie to sleep by her face unless she was alone.

So yea. We didn't have sex like how I wanted to before I got my job but hey! I got a job! I'm so happy. Now I can support us. If Layla doesn't mind, we'll get married in the next couple weeks or so. However long it takes. I don't care. I just want her too be mine permanently.


Jordan, I know you're reading this so how do you feel about me being yours forever? Please comment so we can talk about it. I want to know. You can use Kik but I prefer we just comment it.

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