Chapter 7

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Narrator p.o.v
Layla got into her wonderful wedding dress that was made especially for her. She wanted it short in the front, long in the back, sparkles from about 3/4 of the way going down to the bottom of the dress which faded into teal. At the top of the dress, it was made so that way the top was like a lace so it covered her shoulders and chest. It had beautiful diamond rhinestones at the end of the sleeves, neck, and right at the waistline and where the lace met the fabric to the dress which was soft silk. It was perfect for Layla. It was her dream dress. It was her dress.

Brandon was dressed up in a black and white suit made of silk and 50% cotton. (When I asked my ex what he'd wear he said that so don't judge.) They were both nervous about their wedding day but overly excited. Layla knew that she'd hurt Brandon by saying no to him. So after thinking about all the reasons why she needed to yes, be with him, near him, touch him and why I wanted to be with him. It was then obvious she had to say yes.

The reason were pretty obvious. I have no clue why my mind turned. It was a nightmare in my eyes living without him. Any way, the music started playing and I realized that I had to go. I put on my vail and walked out. (I'm sorry guys. I really don't know how to spell the word Vail or whatever.) My best friend was my bridesmaid and Brandon's best friend was right by his side. I was so excited. I smiled and started walking down the aisle. Everybody looked at me and I felt like a princess.

Brandon looked at me and his jaw dropped open. My hair is in curls and I'm gorgeous. What can I say? I was having one of my friends from college was recording the whole thing. I knew one thing for sure. I could give a whole lot of reasons to marry him that my other life seemed like a mere dream fading away. Tonight would be a special night to.

I made it to Brandon and we faced each other. I smiled and he did the same. The preacher in the church said the vows or whatever it was. I wasn't paying attention until I had to say yes, he said yes to, I put the ring on his finger, he did the same, and we both kissed. So let me describe what actually happened in that time being. The preacher asked me that question and I said yes. He did the same to Brandon and Brandon said yes. The preacher said to Brandon these very words, "Brandon, you're a very lucky man to have this beautiful woman in your life. May you live long and prosper with each other. You may kiss the bride."

Brandon looked at me and raised my vail and put it behind my head. I put my arms around his shoulders and he kissed me. It was one of the best moments of my life. I was so happy. We were now married.

Brandon's p.o.v
It was literally the point in my life where I was going to be happy from now on until I die. The woman I loved forever actually was my wife. We would never be alone because of our relationship and our future children. I loved her. After the kiss I let my beautiful bride throw the bouquet. One of the woman in the crowd caught it and she kissed her boyfriend.

I grabbed my wife's, oh that sounds nice, I grabbed her hand and we ran out of the church to our limo we rented. It had white roses, white ribbons and a little teal on the bottom of each one. On the back of the window in cursive it said, Just Married. I honestly couldn't believe this was happening. She's the one and she's all mine. How much better could this get?

We got into the limo. The church ran outside and watched us leave in our limo. Once we were out of sight of the people at the church, I bursted out in joyful tears. Layla did to. "I can't believe we just got married! I need to tell you something though." She said. "I can't believe it either. What do you need to tell me honey?" I asked a little worried now. "Well, before I walked out on the aisle, I thought about the life I was living before I actually met you in person. I thought it was worth saying no. Then I thought about every reason why I should say yes and those reasons outnumbered the other ones. So I had to say yes. I love you! I have loved you for 8 years of my life. Now I have you all to myself. I am sorry I ever even thought about saying no to you." Her tears weren't the happy kind of tears that was shown a few seconds ago. These tears showed sadness.

I held onto her. "Shhh. It's okay. I love you. Even if you did say no you'd still be mine. Remember? Together forever. No matter what." I said. She hugged me and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Then she tried again. "Also... I can't... I can't cook. I don't know how. So unless you know how, we're doomed on the food part of our future." She said smiling. "Well I guess I'm lucky I know how to. Don't worry. I can teach you. We have the rest of our lives together." I said.

The limo driver pulled up to a fancy house. It was the one that I had rented for the night. It took nearly all of my money for this place and it was worth it.


So bored right now. :(

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