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I just want to say that I don't like going over the process of giving birth, well like saying or writing the process, so I'm just going to go ahead and say the gender that I just went ahead and chose and skip on to the part where name was chosen.

5 months later...
Narrator's p.o.v.
Layla and Brandon went to the doctors to see what gender their baby was. You see, they didn't care what gender their baby was, they had already decided on names. They were totally prepared for the baby. They had everything except for clothes cause they weren't sure on that. They walked into the doctors office, Layla was kind of shaking and looked like she was about to cry. "What's wrong?" Brandon said holding her hand.

"I don't like the doctor's." She replied back. When they got to the front desk, everybody looked at Layla and smiled because they were here for their ultrasound to. Except the other mothers either had children with them or ALL of their family there. Layla didn't. She never wanted her family to find out. You see, her grandmother preferred she had white kids and not mixed children. Layla could care less. Layla's mother had died when she was a kid. Her mother was kind and didn't really care what kind of children she had as long a she had grandchildren.

Her father said that he'd support her in any choice she made in life. So she knew she was safe with him but just to be even more safe, she wouldn't tell anyone. And Layla made Brandon promise that he wouldn't either. The only person that went to their wedding that was in Layla's family was her father. He kept it a secret for Layla. Brandon on the other hand had pretty much who ever he wanted there.

"Ummm, Layla Thompson, the doctor will see you now." The nurse said. Brandon helped Layla up. She smiled and they followed the nurse into the office. The doctor asked Layla how she was feeling. "I haven't been throwing up lately so I guess I'd say I'm doing pretty well." she told the doctor. He nodded and greeted Brandon. They did the ultrasound and the results were she was having...a baby girl!!! She cried in happiness. "Oh my god! Thank you!" She said. "Your very welcome Mrs. Thompson. I'll see you in two and a half months." The doctor said smiling.

She quickly got up and left the office. Most of the people were still waiting. Brandon helped Layla in the car and they sped away. On the way back to their house, Layla started crying but this time her tears were sad tears. "What's wrong baby?" Brandon asked. When they made it to their house, Brandon asked her again. She wouldn't answer him. When he reached out to touch her, she got out of the car and went for a walk by herself. Brandon got out of the car and ran after her. "Please come here. Talk to me." He shouted.

She only walked faster. When she was out of sight of Brandon, she continued walking for miles. She kept on walking and walking until she got to her best friends house. That was a good 25 miles away if not more. Layla was thirsty but she knew that Lilly would help her. Layla walked up to the door and knocked. Lilly answered and saw how hot and tired Layla was. "Layla what are you doing? Did you walk all the way here? Wait a minute, oh my god! You're pregnant! How many months are you?" Lilly said excited. Then she grabbed Layla and sat her down on the couch.

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