Chapter 5

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There were six cabins arranged in three columns, two cabins in each row. Each cabin had a twin that was across from it. They were both painted two colors. The first set was green and yellow, then purple and orange, and last of all was red and blue.

"Looks like we're bunking together." West said as we headed into the cabin. There were four bunk beds, one set up in each corner. West headed toward the left bunk at the back of the wooden room. There were two sets of drawers on either side of the bed. West climbed the right one and began dumping her clothes into it. Her closet was mainly based of black, grey, blood red, and white clothes. She had a lot of dresses, skirts and an abundance of dark shades of makeup. I sighed and began unpacking my jeans and t-shirts that looked so normal when they were placed next to West's.

Andi and Oreo came in next and claimed the bunk to the right of us. Next Eliza and Jessica came in and called the bunk across from me. That left the beds diagonal from us for Lexi and Lindsay.

The first week was filled with getting to know you crap the forced Chris and I to spend more time together. The fun really started on Sunday. It was recreation day and I came back to the cabin from an unfair game of tennis with Lexi. Of course she had won, but my hate for her was wiped out of my mind when I saw black sheets drying on the clothes line in front of our cabin. I ran into the room to find the bunk bed that West and I owned painting black.

"Oh, my, gosh. Do you know how much trouble I'm going to be in when the camp manager finds out about this? Why do you always have to ruin everything you BITCH?" Lexi shrieked at West.

West's eyebrows rose skeptically as she smirked, "Well, a bitch is a female dog, right?" she turned to me.

"Yeah." I stuttered.

"And dogs, they bark?" West questioned Lexi sarcastically. Lexi nodded annoyed. "And bark grows on trees" West gestured to the forest. "And trees are part of nature." I knew where this was going, "Nature is beautiful so, thanks for the compliment."

Lexi's jaw dropped open, as if she were going to say something but couldn't produce the words. But, I was shocked too. Lexi stormed out of the cabin and West held her hand up. I high-fived it and then looked at the newly black bed.

"What's going to happen when people find out about this?" I asked, I wasn't used to getting in trouble and surly did not want to start now.

"Well, they'll yell at us. Maximum punishment is probably dished for a week, but since this is the first time this summer, I think we'll get let off with a warning." West spoke like an experienced criminal.

"Huh, a warning for painting you bunk black?" I questioned.

"Yup," West leaned back and evaluated her handy work, "But it's gonna get worse."

"What do you mean worse?" I asked, worriedly.

"You didn't think that was it, did you? We've got to give Lexi some old fashioned pay back. I'm thinking, a week of pranks." She said, climbing up to the top bunk.

"Week of pranks?" I was confused.

"Yeah. It' pretty self explanatory. We do one prank on her every day for a whole week. But the pranks have to get worse every day until the last one, which is always the best. And you're going to help me with all of them." West replied, slowly lying down on the top bunk.

"All of them?" I frowned.

"All of them." She acknowledged. "And there's no point in opposing because I'm going to drag you in either way."

I sighed, "Ok, so what do you think for the Monday prank?"

West reached down into her drawer, and pulled out a half full bucket of black dye. "WE have to get rid of this somehow. I propose pouring it all over Lexi."

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