And That's Why You Don't Pick On Smaller People

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It was the day before visiting day. Reyna sat on her top bunk, picking dirt from her jacket, trying to ignore the snorting laughter behind her. Peter, Molly, and Drew were all in the corner, probably telling jokes about killing puppies.

Suddenly, the dormitory door opened. Reyna frowned as her nails dug at a particularly large clump of matted hair caught on the back. The locks were stringy and reddish-brown, belonging to one person. Reyna made a face and threw it at Molly's bunk.

"Didn't realize you were so skinny, Stiff." The familiar nickname reached Reyna's ears, and she looked up. There was only one person who was nicknamed Stiff, even though Reyna, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, and Percy were all technically 'Stiffs' too. Tris stood cornered in next to her bunk, scowling. Stringy wet hair dripped on the floor, and a towel was wrapped around her. Silently, Reyna dropped down in the shadows of her bed. None of them noticed her.

"Get away from me." Tris sounded almost calm.

"This isn't the Hub, you know. No one has to follow a Stiff's orders here." Peter's voice was cruel, making Reyna snarl.

"Look at her," Molly laughed. "She's practically a child."

"Oh, I don't know." Reyna could hear the smirk in Drew's voice. "She could be hiding something under that towel. Why don't we look and see?"

That was enough for Reyna. She marched over and kicked down on the back of Drew's knees, preventing him from following Tris as she bolted to the door. But Peter turned and snatched at the dingy towel covering Tris, yanking it from her body.

Tris didn't stop running.

"Did you see her?" Molly barked, laughing. "She's like a twig."

"Which is more than you can say for yourself, unfortunately," Reyna snarled, facing them. Drew stood up, his face red as he rubbed his knees.

"Oh, another Stiff." It was the first time anyone called Reyna that. "Sticking up for your stupid gray family, aren't you?"

Reyna ignored their taunt and stepped closer to Peter. "If you do anything like that again to anyone, you're dead. Not just Tris. Christina. Will. Al. Any of them. Don't you dare try anything."

Peter made a pouty face. "Oh, are you upset?"

Reyna saw it coming in the bottom of her vision. Peter's fist, lashing out to connect with her gut. Or at least that would've happened. Reyna acted faster, intercepting Peter's fist with her own and stopping it mid-punch. She twisted it and judo-flipped him, a trick Annabeth taught her. Peter grunted and climbed back up, face red. He got in a fighting stance, fists curled.

Reyna didn't blink. "Save it for later," she snapped. "I hope I fight you."

She stooped down and snatched up the towel before storming out of the room.


Reyna didn't fight Peter. But she was up against Drew.

"Good enough," she muttered under her breath. Percy was up against Peter, perfect. And then there was Molly. Against Tris.

"What was that?" Annabeth asked, frowning as she noticed she was against Christina.


Thalia grunted. "Well, I've got Will. This should be quick and easy."

"But it can't be," Annabeth warned. "Will is strong. Your rank is safe, you're not going to be cut if you lose."

Thalia sighed. "I hate pretending to be weak," she grumbled, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning on.

"At least you get it over with quickly," Nico reminded her. "You're up first."

The match was uneventful. Thalia was fast as she dodged his attacks, only going defense, no offense. A few punches hit her ribs, head, stomach, and they were hard but Thalia hardly felt a thing. Eventually, Will was breathing hard as he lunged for Thalia again, and a hard blow landed on her ear. It stung a little bit. Thalia fell to her knees.

Even with Al's size, Nico fought and won against him in a matter of seconds. It was so fast, Reyna almost missed it.

Then it was her turn. Drew stalked up, clearly still angry about the blow to his knees. "You're going down, Stiff."

Reyna sent him a mocking smile. "Wow, I think that's the most original thing you've said all month!"

Drew swung a kick at Reyna's side, which she deflected easily. A swinging punch found its way to her ribs, and Reyna made no move to counter it. Then a blow came to her ear, and she collapsed overly dramatically.

Then Drew lifted his foot to kick her in the head. As quickly as Blackjack on a donut rush, Reyna yanked on Drew's foot and pushed it sideways, crossing it over his other foot. She spun him around, making him off balance, then rolled up on her neck and pushed off, kicking on Drew's back and pushing him to the ground. Reyna planted her foot firmly on his back and crouched close to his head.

"Stop throwing around your weight, because you have a lot of it," she whispered before sending a good punch to his ear.

Drew didn't get back up. Peter and Molly had to roll him out of the ring.

Four circled Reyna's name on the board.

Then it was Annabeth's turn. She and Christina circled each other awkwardly, not sure what to do. Then Christina lunged forward before dropping back in a feint. Annabeth paused before lashing out and hitting Christina's nose. Blood started to trickle down, and Christina, caught by surprise, staggered backwards before throwing a punch at Annabeth. She let it throw her to the floor, then got into a crouch and swept Christina's feet out from under her. Christina fell with an 'oof', then quickly kicked Annabeth in the ribs before she could climb back up. Christina punched at Annabeth's head and ribs for a few seconds, until Four walked into the light making a time-out sign with his hands.

"That's enough," he said to Christina, who nodded and helped Annabeth to her feet.

"Sorry about that," she muttered as they walked off. Annabeth grinned, not hurt at all.

"It's fine," she said. "I've been worse."

"Tris is up," Christina said, looking anxious as Tris and Molly began to circle each other.

Molly was the first person Christina fought, Annabeth remembered. The fight that led to Christina's hang over the chasm. She hoped Tris wouldn't turn out the same way.

Molly attacked first, as everyone knew she would. But then Tris acted, driving her fist deep into the area around Molly's bellybutton then sidestepping around her attacker.

Molly stopped smiling.

She charged at Tris like a bull charging at a flag, her heavy breaths like angry snorts, swinging her arms wildly. Tris blocked a punch on her forearm, not flinching at all. Her eyes steeled. Molly kicked at Tris again, who dodged it and tried to elbow her in the face. By luck, Molly pulled her head back and launched another punch at her ribs. Tris stumbled back, and they both caught their breath, analyzing the other. Or rather, Tris was analyzing Molly. Molly had the brain capacity of a turkey.

Then suddenly, Tris struck. She aimed an uppercut, low in her gut, then swept Molly's feet out from under her. Molly fell with a loud thump, and Tris furiously kicked her in the ribs as hard as she could. Over and over again.

Blood poured down Molly's face, but Tris's eyes are clouded by anger and hate showing in every inch of her face. Over and over again. Four leapt forward suddenly, gripping Tris's wrists and restraining her. Molly let out a groan, curling up in her own blood.

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