Chapter 3

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I awoke in a cell. I look around, and saw all kind torturous objects. A pincle, to painfully obstruct important informtion from your mind, a tonlicicle, to painfully disect limbs, ragregae, to painfully brainwash you, and many more.

Great I'm chain up head to toe with shockles, they look exactly like normal cuffs except with a blue light going through the center, and whenever you move the light covers the whole cuff and shock you unconsious. They open up my cell door with their horrible rotten egg stench. The Callimocans looks disgusting with their bark-like, parch, pale green skin, their usually beady, red eyes, and they have a unquenchable bloodlust. They also had tattos all over their bodies to signify rank.

"We can do this the easy way... or the hard way." grinning at the last part. "How about, NO, SLUGS!!!" smiling hysterically "Hard way it is?" oblivious to my remark. They injected me with a green slimy substance. As soon as the last drop enter my body, I started to convulse, I felt extreme pain from both the shockles and convulsion. My mouth started to fuzz, then I couldn't feel anything. My eyes where closing. I was fighting to stay conscious, but was losing horribly. The pain was horrid and I scream for it to stop, I close my eyes, and I lost my battle.

1 day later,

I awoke wondering where I was. Then it clicked, I remembered being captured, tortured, blacking out. I found that I was still shackled, I knew their was no chance to escape, but I couldn't except the fact. If I could figure out how to get out of these cuffs, I could surprise the guards. I can get out of here, help my race, and protect my race. Looks like I'm going to be here a while.

3 hrs. later,

I awoke from my nap, I saw a Con in my face. I felt a relief of pressure on my legs. " Where are you from,... really?" the Moc said. "Tennessee ." "No you are from Aweydian!" " What you talking about man, I never even heard of that place. Is it in Africa... no, what about As..." I was punched in the face. "Will you stop your lying?" "I'm not, what are you acusing me of?" " One you're lying, two you're an alien, three you're going to be tortured almost to death." chuckling to himself "Wait, I'm not of that alien or any of that stuff." Take him away guards, and starve him.

This was my chance to escape. They unlock the chains connecting me to the ceiling. With the cuffs, I swung hard at the guard's head. It connected soundly, and he fell ungracefully. I quickly dispatch the interrogator and other guard. I ran out the door, and heard a high shreiking alarm. How could I be so dumb? To late now, I ran 60 mph away. I saw my backpack in one of the rooms. I grab the door handle, and it open easily.

I stepped into the room, and quickly ran to get my stuff. I turn around, and something grabbed my leg with it's mouth. It pick me up, and it was a Zyphos. It has slimy, green skin with piercing crimson black eyes. His skin was barf green, and it smell like 100 pounds of manure. It had no legs, and look a snail without a shell. I gagged trying to fight the monster, but it was no use. The Zyphos threw me in its mouth and tried to eat me, but the unthinkable happen. My body turn the purest form of blue, and the whole creature exploded, and I was covered in guts and slime and with a small crator created.

They've heard the explosion. I ran and jump threw a window, well, I broke what I thought was a window. Next thing I know , I'm 20 stories high. I really should have thought this through, and I plummented and I awaited for my death below.

Guys vote, comment, and tell your friends. Have a great day, and later.

Kenzel/ Yeaster 1

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